Custom Music Player by Tok124
- Play Button
- Pause Button
- Next Song Button
- Previous Song Button
- Mute Volume Button
- Volume Range Slider
- Repeat Song or playlist Button
- Toggle Playlist Button
- Upload Button to toggle modal
- Displays current time + song length
- Draggable Progress Bar
- Plays next song automatically when a song ends
- Changes Album Cover automatically when switching songs
- Drag n' Drop File Upload
- Supports multiple file uploads
Click once to activate Repeat Song (Blue Icon)
Click Twice to activate Repeat Playlist (Red Icon)
Gray Icon = No Repeat
- edit config.php to match your database login credentials
- import SQL/songsDB.sql to your database, it should create musicplayer database + songs table
- Done ! You should now be able to open your web browser and navigate to the website
- Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Volume Range Slider is not working so great in firefox (Will be fixed soon)
- Playlist repeats even if repeat playlist button is not active
- Sometimes you have to click twice or more to pause song (can click pause button or on album cover, same issues on both)
- The first song cannot be played after downloading the repository, need to manually change path to image and mp3 file in index.php
- JavaScript
- php
Alexander - Working on JavaScript
Tok124/125125/me - Working on HTML + SCSS (And some of the php code)
ChatGPT - Has helped me to make the things i can't do by myself in php