ProxyTea is a neat and cost-effective solution to forward HTTP Requests to an internal network.
ProxyTea is based on two connected components:
- Proxy: A simple AWS Stack, including an API Gateway, a SQS Queue and an S3 Bucket to temporary store body payloads.
- Tea: a command line tool to run locally, pulling requests from the SQS Queue and forwarding them to your local service.
In the first place, you need a AWS account and the AWS CLI properly configured in your workstation, along with the SAM CLI.
You can follow the official instructions at AWS and SAM CLI.
An S3 bucket to store the deployment code is required.
$> git clone
$> cd proxytea/src/proxy
$> sam deploy --debug --s3-bucket DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --force-upload --stack-name YOUR_STACK_NAME
Once the stack is correctly deployed, the API Gateway Endpoint will be shown.
Download it from the latest release available.
$> ./tea --help
$> ./tea -service http://YOUR_LOCAL_SERVICE:PORT -queueUrl https://QUEUE_URL
Or build
$> cd proxytea/src/tea
$> go build -v -o tea ./main.go
$> cd proxytea/src/pytea
$> python -u http://YOUR_LOCAL_SERVICE:PORT -q https://QUEUE_URL
The agent will start forwarding requests from the public API Gateway Endpoint to your local service.