MiiVii Detector is a ros node use mivii library to detect 2d object. It need synchronzied camera input, to use batch mode.
Clone the repository and build:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src & cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/MiiViiDynamics/miivii_detector
cd ../..
source devel_isolated/setup.bash
Make sure the camera topic is set correctly in launch file. The following launch file will match the topic in miivii_gmsl_ros node.
roslaunch miivii_detector perception_front.launch
Use publish_result_image param in launch file to enable publich image with detection rect drawn.
<param name="publish_result_image" value="true" />
Use rviz to check the result image topic.
For technology issue, please file bugs on github directly. For busniess contact, you can either visit our taobao shop , or mail to bd#miivii.com