After the PD has taken place, a player can choose to punish her opponent, which consists in paying a cost
$\epsilon_1$ to make the opponent incur a cost$\delta_1$ . -
Assume that
$\epsilon_1<\delta_1$ . -
CP cooperates in the PD, and punishes a co-player who defected in the game.
AP defects in the PD, and punishes a co-player who cooperated in the game.
pure cooperator (C) and pure defector (D) (i.e. they do not use the punishment option).
Commitment strategy (denoted by COM)
First offer to commit, then cooperate, proposer pays cost
$\epsilon_2$ ; -
adversary accepts commitment but does not cooperate, compensation cost
$\delta_2$ ; -
if does not accept commitment, interaction will not occur, both parties gain 0;
first assume adversary will cooperate.
Unconditional cooperators (C)
- always commit when being proposed a commitment deal, cooperate whenever the PD is played, but do not propose commitment themselves.
Unconditional defectors (D),
- do not accept commitment, defect when the PD takes place, and do not propose commitment.
Fake committers(FAKE),
- False committers, pretending to accept a commitment and then reneging on it;
- compensated by payment of cost
$\delta_2$ for accepting a promise to renege.
Commitment free-riders (FREE)
- defect unless being proposed a commitment, which they then accept and cooperate subsequently in the PD;
- In other words, these players are willing to cooperate when a commitment is proposed but are not prepared to pay the cost of setting it up;
- No cooperation if you are not committed.