Image Classifier with Deep Learning
Aim: All adjectives are subjective. What is messy to one is acceptable to another. In a bid to get residents under the same roof (my kids) to clean up their mess, this classifier aims to get everyone in the household to come to a consensus of what is clean/tidy vs messy with synonyms used on google when scrapping images. WHen they fail, the child is allowed to write a petition stating his reasons. These petitions/notes form my 3rd class which I termed "Bad_Excuse". At the moment, my kids are unaware that I set the rules such that every petition will lead to the same one outcome - "Bad_Excuse". In the process, hopefully their handwriting and their persuasiveness will also improve.
- Scrap and convert images from google for 1) Clean/Tidy room, 2) messy rooms and 3)excuses for written notes.
- Eyeball and remove images with "before"/"after" and cartoons and sort them into i)Bad_Excuse, ii) Clean_Room, iii) Messy_Room. 2b. Dataset available at
- Build machine learning model with 8 different algo. XGBoost yields the best F1 score.
- Build a simple neural network as base model for deep learning.
- Build a Convoluted NN with SGD optimizer and early stopping
- Build a Convoluted NN with 'adam' optimizer and early stopping
- Experiment with transfer learning using the vgg16.
- Compare the F1 across all models
- Run trial with test images in images folder. Noted that "CNN_excuse", "CNNCleanRoom" and "CNNMessyRoom" gets progressively accurately-classified with each progressive model but the ones with transfer learning were wrongly classified despite better scores of 0.9. This is due to overfitting.
- Conclusion: CNN with 'adam' optimizer with best weights restore and early stopping is best.
- Blog available at