Usage: . [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-sub] -e EXTENSION -s SHIFT [-o] [-r] [-v] [-cd] [-md]
Mass change creation/modification date of files with certain extension.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The directory to be processed.
-sub, --subdirectories
If set, the program will also process all files in all subdirectories.
File extension to be processed. (* for everything)
-s SHIFT, --shift SHIFT
The amount of days to shift the creation date.
-o, --overwrite Overwrites metadata. (otherwise wont commit changes)
-r, --relative-shift If set, shifts relatively to creation date of file.
-v, --verbose If set, the program will print all metadata of file + some debug info.
-cd, --change-creation-date
If set, the program will modify the creation date of file.
-md, --change-modify-date
If set, the program will modify the updated date of file.
note: -cd and -md are both set by default if you set just one, only that one will be modified :)
python3 meta_writer/ -d ~/Desktop/test -e txt -s 1 -o
Processing: /Users/1fc0nfig/Desktop/test/test.txt
Created: Wed May 4 15:51:51 2022
Updated: Thu May 5 15:51:55 2022