This Symfony command allows you to export the schema of all tables in your databases in either a console-friendly format or as Markdown tables.
Place the
file in yoursrc/Command/
directory. -
Register the command in your
:services: App\Command\DatabaseExportAllSchemasCommand: arguments: $container: '@service_container' tags: - { name: 'console.command' }
You can run the command using the Symfony console. It supports two output formats: human-readable for the console and Markdown. Additionally, you can specify a particular database to export or export all configured databases.
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas
This will output the schema of all configured databases in a format that is easy to read in the console.
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas md
This will output the schema of all configured databases as Markdown tables, which can be used in documentation.
You can specify a particular database to export by providing the database name as the second argument. For example:
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas console my_database
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas md my_database
This will export only the schema of the specified database.
Invalid Format: If you provide an invalid format as the first argument, the command will display an error message:
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas invalidFormat
<error>Invalid format. Please use "md" for Markdown or "console" for human-readable console output.</error>
Non-Existent Database: If you specify a database that does not exist, the command will display an error message:
php bin/console database:export-all-schemas console nonExistentDatabase
<error>The specified database "nonExistentDatabase" does not exist.</error>
## Database: my_database
### Table: users
Column Type Length Precision Nullable Default Extra
------ ---- ------ --------- -------- ------- -----
id IntegerType - - No - AUTO_INCREMENT
name StringType 255 - No - -
email StringType 255 - Yes - -
created_at DateTimeType - - No - -
updated_at DateTimeType - - No - -
## Database: my_database
### Table: users
| Column | Type | Length | Precision | Nullable | Default | Extra |
| id | IntegerType | - | - | No | - | AUTO_INCREMENT |
| name | StringType | 255 | - | No | - | - |
| email | StringType | 255 | - | Yes | - | - |
| created_at | DateTimeType| - | - | No | - | - |
| updated_at | DateTimeType| - | - | No | - | - |
This project is licensed under the MIT License.