Releases: 1x-technologies/halodi-unity-package-registry-manager
Fix version in package.json
Merge pull request #35 from Gilford92/update-package-version-105 Updated package version to 1.0.5
Unity 2022 and Entities package compatibility
Update with Unity 2022 compatibility + fix for Tomlyn and entities package
Update dependencies
This release updates the dependencies to
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.0.2",
"": "1.3.4-preview"
UI Updates
Massive UI improvements, thanks to @hybridherbst
Removed warning from code to allow -warnaserror+
Small bugfix
Disabled auto-reference on the tomlyn library to avoid possible conflicts.
Add support for upgrading packages
This version adds support for upgrading packages from GIT sources and from Registry sources.
The main advantage over the package manager UI is the ability to bulk upgrade.
For git packages, it is unknown if a package can be upgraded. Therefore, you can always upgrade packages.
Cleanup of folder structure
This PR cleans up the folder structure and makes the code easier to maintain.
Main external change is that Halodi.PackageRegistry.NPM and Halodi.PackageRegistry.PackageTarball got moved to the following locations
Thanks to @hybridherbst for the PR.
Various bug fixes
- Fix nullref after removing last credendial entry (file still exists)
- Rename resources to proper place: Documentation~, update Readme
- Replace Tomlyn source code by Tomlyn dll
- Remove unneeded asmdefs to avoid errors
- Fix scope editing
Thanks to @hybridherbst
Fixed assembly references
This release should fix a missing reference to the managed thirparty assemblies