Going over the HTML tags as a review.
adding 7 headers
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h5
- h4
- h6
adding 2 pharagraphs
- one with italic
- one with bold
Add a table with 4 columns (name , age , email , list of programming languages) with the following formatting for the information in the body:
- column Name is bold
- column age has input field (user can actually change the content)
- column email is underlined
- column programming language has ordered list
- table has 5 rows
Add 3 images
- one that has a broken link and shows alt text instead
add descriptional list.
adding unordered list with 4 links
- google.com
- re-coded.com
- facebook.com
- twitter.com
adding a form contains.
- 2 inputs
- 1 textarea
- file upload (You need to Google this one)
- button
- re-coded.com website (or any other website)
section that contains 3 articles. Every article has:
- An image with some description using the right semantic elements.
- a header with the information about the article
- some text for the article itself
- navigation links that point to:
- Home
- About Us
- Services
- Contact Us
- Footer that contains:
- Same links as the navigation above
- copyright text
- year
Good luck :D