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Accept BTC payments in your React app with BTCPay Server Pay Button


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React BTCPay Server Pay Button


The React BTCPay Server Pay Button offers a seamless and highly configurable solution for integrating BTCPay Server functionality into your React application. Enable Bitcoin payment processing in your app with just three simple steps.


  • Easy Setup: Just 3 easy steps to add the button to your React app.
  • Highly Customizable: Modify button text, currency options, colors and more.
  • Private: All transactions are processed through your BTCPay Server.

Table of Contents


  • BTCPay Server: You must have access to a BTCPay Server, either self-hosted or through a third-party.
  • React Application: This component is intended to be used within an existing React application.

Before You Begin

This project assumes your BTCPay Server is already set up and your Pay Button is turned ON. You should also have your wallet set up and have channels with inbound liquidity (if accepting Lightning payments).

Refer to the BTCPay Server documentation for more information.

::warning:: The BTCPay Server Pay Button should only be used for tips and donations. Using the pay button for e-commerce integrations is not recommended since order relevant information can be modified by the user. For e-commerce, you should use BTCPay Server's Greenfield API. If your app processes commercial transactions, you should create a separate store before using the pay button.


RECOMMENDED: Package Installation

  1. Install the Package: Open your Terminal or other command line interface and run the following command to install the react-btcpay-paybutton package into your React project.
    npm install react-btcpay-paybutton
  2. Proceed to Next Step: Once the package is installed, move on to Import the Component to integrate the ReactBtcPayButton into your app.

Optional: Manual Installation

  1. Download the File: Download and copy the ReactBtcPayButton.jsx file into your React app folder.
  2. Import the Component: Use the following import statement in your React file where you want to use the component (be sure to use the correct path/to/ReactBtcPayButton.jsx):
    import { ReactBtcPayButton } from 'path/to/ReactBtcPayButton.jsx';
  3. Proceed to Next Step: After importing, you can move on to Add Component to Your App.

Quick Start

Here's how you can add the React BTCPay Server Pay Button to your application:

Step 1: Import the Component

import { ReactBtcPayButton } from 'react-btcpay-paybutton';

Step 2: Add Component to Your App

To integrate the React BTCPay Button into your application, simply include it in your JSX (with minimum required settings):

  btcPayDomain="" // Your BTCPay Server URL
  storeId="YourStoreID" // Your BTCPay Server Store ID
  // Additional options as needed (see Step 3 below)

Step 3: Customize Settings and Design

The ReactBtcPayButton component accepts various props that allow you to customize its behavior and appearance. Below are detailed explanations for each of these props:

đź”´ REQUIRED Props

Prop Type Description Default Value Available Options
btcPayDomain string đź”´ REQUIRED The domain where your BTCPay Server is hosted. '' Add a URL
storeId string đź”´ REQUIRED The ID of your store on the BTCPay Server. '' Add a URL

OPTIONAL Additional Props

Prop Type Description Default Value Available Options
browserRedirect string The URL for browser redirection after payment. '' Add a URL
checkoutDesc string Description that appears on the checkout invoice. '' Add a description
currency string Specifies the default currency for payments. MORE INFO 'SATS' 'SATS', 'BTC'
currencyOptions array of strings Defines the currencies inside the BTCPay form's Currency dropdown. MORE INFO ['SATS', 'BTC'] ['SATS', 'BTC', 'USD', 'EUR', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'JPY', 'GBP']
defaultPaymentMethod string Specifies the payment method that will be used to process transactions. MORE INFO '' '', 'BTC_LightningLike', 'BTC'
imageShow boolean Choose to show or hide the BTCPay logo on button. true true, false
imageSize string Specifies the height for the BTCPay logo on button. '46px' Enter any CSS size (px, % or rem)
inputMax number Specifies the maximum amount for the input field. 21000000000000 Enter a number
inputMin number Specifies the minimum amount for the input field. 1 Enter a number
mode string Select a display mode for the BTCPay Pay Button fields. MORE INFO 'Slider' 'Fixed', 'Slider', 'Custom'
notifyEmail string The email address for transaction notifications. '' Add an email address
orderId string An identifier for the order. '' Add an order number
serverIpn string The URL for Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). '' Add a URL
sliderMax number Specifies the maximum value for the payment slider. 250000 Enter a number
sliderMin number Specifies the minimum value for the payment slider. 1 Enter a number
submitBtnText string The text displayed on the submit button. 'Pay with' Add text

OPTIONAL Style Props

Prop Type Description Default Value Available Options
amountInputStyles object Override input field styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)
formStyles object Override form styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)
plusMinusButtonStyles object Override plus/minus button styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)
rangeInputStyles object Override slider styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)
submitButtonStyles object Override button styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)
submitButtonTextStyles object Override button text styles. LISTED BELOW Any CSS
(JS Object)

How to Use ReactBtcPayButton Props


btcPayDomain (Required)

  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Description: REQUIRED. This is the domain where your BTCPay Server is hosted. This is essential for initiating the payment process.
  • Default: None. You MUST specify a URL.

storeId (Required)

  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Description: REQUIRED. This is the unique identifier for your store on BTCPay Server. Essential for linking the payment button to your store.
  • Default: None. You MUST specify a Store ID.

OPTIONAL Additional Props


  • Type: String (URL)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the URL to redirect the user's browser to after completing or cancelling the payment. This is useful for post-payment actions or tracking.
  • Default: None. You have the option to specify a URL.


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: This is the description that will appear on the checkout invoice. It provides additional information about the transaction to the user.
  • Default: None. You can add a custom message or description.


  • Type: String
  • Use With: currencyOptions
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Determines the default currency used for payments. This is the currency in which the payment amount will be displayed.
  • Default: 'SATS'. 'BTC' can be toggled instead to denominate in Bitcoin.


  • Type: Array of Strings
  • Use With: currency
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Defines the list of currencies that will be available in the dropdown for the user to select. This should be used in conjunction with the currency prop.
  • Default: ['SATS', 'BTC', 'USD', 'EUR', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'JPY', 'GBP']. More currencies will be supported soon!

If you add new currencies, you must set a 'Preferred Price Source' in BTCPay Server under Store Settings > Rates. See the BTCPay documentation


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description:
    • Specifies the payment method that will be used to process transactions (Store Default, On-Chain or Off-Chain).
    • The defaultPaymentMethod prop offers three distinct payment options for the transaction:
      1. '': Leave it empty to use the Store Default (Set in BTCPay Server Settings).
      2. 'BTC_LightningLike': For Off-chain transactions (Lightning).
      3. 'BTC': For On-chain transactions (Bitcoin).
  • Default Value: ''
  • Available Options: '', 'BTC_LightningLike', 'BTC'


  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to choose whether to display the BTCPay Server logo on the payment button or not.
  • Default: True. You can set it to false to hide the logo.


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Sets the height dimension for the BTCPay Server logo that appears on the button. This allows for customization of the logo size.
  • Default: '46px'. You can set it to any valid CSS size. Common BTCPay logo sizes are '40px', '46px', '57px'.


  • Type: Number
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the upper limit for the amount that can be entered in the payment input field. This sets a maximum cap for transactions.
  • Default: 21000000000000. This value should be consistent with the selected currency.


  • Type: Number
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the lower limit for the amount that can be entered in the payment input field. This sets a minimum threshold for transactions.
  • Default: 1. This value should be consistent with the selected currency.


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description:
    • Determines the display mode of the payment form on the user interface.
    • The mode prop offers three distinct layout options for the form:
      1. 'Slider': Features a range slider and an input field that allows the user to select the payment amount.
      2. 'Fixed': Presents a fixed payment amount that is not alterable by the user. Ideal for store items with a set price.
      3. 'Custom': Provides an input field for the user to manually enter the payment amount. Includes +/- buttons for easy adjustments.
  • Default Value: 'Slider'
  • Available Options: 'Slider', 'Fixed', 'Custom'


  • Type: String (Email)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the email address where notifications related to the transaction will be sent. Useful for tracking payment statuses.
  • Default: None. You have the option to specify an email address.


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Provides an identifier for the order, which can be useful for tracking and record-keeping.
  • Default: None. You can optionally add an Order ID to the invoice for better tracking.


  • Type: String (URL)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the URL where Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) will be sent. This is useful for backend processing of payments.
  • Default: None. You have the option to specify a URL for IPN.


  • Type: Number
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the upper limit for the range slider used for selecting the payment amount.
  • Default: 250000. This value should be consistent with the selected currency.


  • Type: Number
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Specifies the lower limit for the range slider used for selecting the payment amount.
  • Default: 1. This value should be consistent with the selected currency.


  • Type: String
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Sets the display text for the submit button on the payment form. Allows for customization to better match your branding or language.
  • Default: 'Pay with'. You can change it to any text, but keep it short for better UI experience.

OPTIONAL Style Props


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the styles for the amount input field. You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the form styles. You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the styles for the plus and minus buttons. You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the styles for the range input (slider). You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the styles for the submit button. You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.


  • Type: Object (CSS in JavaScript syntax)
  • Required: No (Optional)
  • Description: Allows you to customize the styles for the text within the submit button. You can specify CSS properties in JavaScript object notation.
  • Default: *See all default styles below in the 'Advanced Usage' example.

Advanced Usage Example

Advanced Usage Example showing ALL available options:
Scroll down for all CSS styles (as JS objects)

  // === REQUIRED Props ===
  btcPayDomain='' // REQUIRED - BTCPay Server domain
  storeId='storeid' // REQUIRED - BTCPay Server Store ID
  // === OPTIONAL Additional Props === 
  browserRedirect='' // Browser redirect URL
  checkoutDesc='Thank you for your payment!' // Invoice description
  currency='SATS' // Default currency for invoices
  currencyOptions={['SATS', 'BTC', 'USD', 'EUR', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'JPY', 'GBP']} // Options for dropdown
  defaultPaymentMethod='' // How BTCPay Server will process transactions
  imageShow={true} // BTCPay logo in button? {true} or {false}
  imageSize='46px' // BTCPay Server logo height
  inputMax={21000000000000} // Input field maximum
  inputMin={1} // Input field minimum
  mode='Slider' // Form Options: 'Fixed', 'Custom', 'Slider'
  notifyEmail='[email protected]' // Notification email address
  orderId='0001' // Order ID
  serverIpn='' // Server IPN
  sliderMax={250000} // Slider range maximum
  sliderMin={1} // Slider range minimum
  submitBtnText='Pay with' // Text on Button

  // === OPTIONAL Style Props ===
  // Default Input Field styles
    MozAppearance: 'textfield',
    WebkitAppearance: 'textfield',
    appearance: 'textfield',
    border: 'none',
    boxShadow: 'none',
    textAlign: 'center',
    fontSize: '25px',
    margin: 'auto',
    marginBottom: 0,
    borderRadius: '5px',
    lineHeight: '35px',
    background: '#fff',
    color: '#000',
    width: '140px',
    maxWidth: '100%'
  // Default Form styles
    display: 'inline-flex',
    flexDirection: 'column',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center'
  // Default Plus/Minus Button styles
    cursor: 'pointer',
    fontSize: '25px',
    lineHeight: '25px',
    color: '#000',
    background: '#DFE0E1',
    height: '30px',
    width: '45px',
    border: 'none',
    borderRadius: '60px',
    margin: 'auto 5px',
    display: 'inline-flex',
    justifyContent: 'center'
  // Default Range Slider styles
    MozAppearance: 'none',
    WebkitAppearance: 'none',
    appearance: 'none',
    width: '100%',
    background: 'transparent',
    marginTop: '10px',
    marginBottom: 0,
    outline: 0
  // Default Select (Dropdown) styles
    MozAppearance: 'none',
    WebkitAppearance: 'none',
    appearance: 'none',
    color: 'currentColor',
    background: 'transparent',
    border: '1px solid',
    borderColor: 'transparent',
    display: 'block',
    padding: '1px',
    marginLeft: 'auto',
    marginRight: 'auto',
    marginBottom: '10px',
    fontSize: '11px',
    cursor: 'pointer'
  // Default Submit Button styles
    marginTop: '1rem',
    marginBottom: '2rem',
    minWidth: '168px',
    minHeight: '46px',
    borderRadius: '4px',
    backgroundColor: '#0f3b21',
    cursor: 'pointer',
    border: '2px solid transparent'
  // Default Submit Button Text styles
    color: '#fff',
    fontSize: '16px'

Additional Resources

For more information about BTCPay Server or React, please refer to the BTCPay Server Documentation and React Documentation.


Feel free to report issues, suggest features, and submit pull requests. See for details.


Thank you to the teams behind React and BTCPay Server for providing the essential tools and frameworks used in this project.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.


Accept BTC payments in your React app with BTCPay Server Pay Button



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