I'm a Second-year student pursuing Bachelors's in Computer Science 🎓 from JSSATE Noida 🏛. I'm a passionate learner who's always willing to learn and work across technologies and domains 💡. I love to explore new technologies and leverage them to solve real-life problems ✨. Apart from that I also love to guide and mentor newbies 👨🏻💻. I'm currently into Web Development 🕸️ and working on my Data Structures and Algorithms 🤓.
- 🛠 I’m currently working with HTML, CSS, React,
Nodejs, Mongodb, Javascript, Express, etc. - 🚀 I’m currently learning Full Stack Development.
- 👨🏻💻 Most of my projects are available on Github.
- 💬 Ask me about anything here I am happy to help.
- 👾 Fun fact: Equal is Not Always Equal in Javascript.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected].
- 📝 Checkout my Resume.
- 💻 I love exploring new tech stack and building cool stuffs.
- 📰 Reading & writing tech blogs whenever possible.
- 🍕 Hackathons, meetups & tech events.