Notification system for Yii 2+
Default storage is your database. For that you need to insert migrations from src/migrations
To insert those migrations you need to run migration command:
yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/dvamigos/yii2-notifications/src/migrations
This will create notification
table in your database. If you don't plan to store your notifications in database then this step is not necessary.
Add notification component configuration in your application config:
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'types' => [
'text' => [
'my_notification' => 'This is my notification'
Then in your code you can push notifications directly using:
This will save the notification for current logged in user.
You can define arbitrary number of types for your notification to store as much as data per notification as needed.
Below is an example of a notification having a title
and a message
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'types' => [
'new_user' => [
'text' => [
'title' => 'New user created!',
'message' => 'New user {username} is created.'
'default' => [
'username' => ''
Field {username}
will be replaced from data passed to notification on its creation.
To pass data just use:
Yii::$app->notifications->push('new_user', [
'username' => 'JohnDoe94'
You do not have to always pass every necessary key into data. If you do not pass required key it's value will be taken from 'default'
of that
You can also use this array to pass any arbitrary information which can be serialized into JSON string, effectively allowing you to store any required data in order to display or use your notification.
You can use PushNotification
, UpdateNotification
or ReplaceNotification
classes inside your every component which has events()
To include events()
function use EventListAwareTrait
For example to set it inside a model you can define following:
public function events()
new \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\PushNotification([
'type' => 'my_notification',
'data' => ['my_data' => 1]
Types can be resolved later using:
public function events()
new \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\PushNotification([
'type' => function(PushNotification $n) {
return 'my_type';
'data' => function(PushNotification $n) {
return ['my_key' => $this->getPrimaryKey()];
If you wish to use Behavior approach, that is also available via NotificationBehavior
To use that class you can simply add in your model/component which supports behaviors:
public function behaviors()
return [
'notification' => [
'class' => \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\NotificationBehavior::class,
'events' => [
'class' => \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\PushNotification,
'type' => function(PushNotification $n) {
return 'my_type';
'data' => function(PushNotification $n) {
return ['my_key' => $this->getPrimaryKey()];
If you want to encapsulate your own logic, then extending \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\PushNotification
with your own class is also a possibility.
class MyNotification extends \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\PushNotification {
public $type = 'my_notification_type';
public function init() {
$this->data = [$this, 'handleMyData'];
public function handleMyData(MyNotification $instance, \yii\base\Event $event)
// You logic for returning data here...
public function behaviors()
return [
'notification' => [
'class' => \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\events\NotificationBehavior::class,
'events' => [
Then you can add your notification simply as:
You can define multiple targets when sending notifications effectively allowing you push notifications on phone devices, database, etc at the same time.
Your default target is database but you can define your own using:
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'activeTarget' => ['database', 'android', 'ios'],
'targets' => [
'database' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\DatabaseTarget',
// ... config
'android' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\AndroidFcmTarget',
'apiKey' => 'YOUR API KEY',
'tokenRetriever' => function(NotificationInterface $n) {
return $n->getData()['fcmToken'];
'ios' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\IosApnTarget',
'pemFile' => '@app/path/to/your/pem/file.pem',
'password' => 'yourpassphrase',
'tokenRetriever' => function(NotificationInterface $n) {
return $n->getData()['iosToken'];
'types' => [
'new_user' => [
'text' => [
'title' => 'New user created!',
'message' => 'New user {username} is created.'
'default' => [
'username' => '',
'fullName' => 'Unknown',
'gender' => 'male'
Please not that Android and iOS targets are WIP and not completely tested and might not work properly.
Then using above configuration, when calling:
Yii::$app->notifications->push('new_user', [
'username' => 'JohnDoe94',
'fcmToken' => "Your user's android notification token",
'iosToken' => "Your user's ios notification token"
You will send notification to database, your user's android device and ios device.
You can switch targets at any time using:
Yii::$app->notification->pushTarget('database'); // Will only send to database.
Yii::$app->notification->pushTarget('android'); // Will only send to android.
Yii::$app->notification->pushTarget(['android', 'ios']); // Will only send to android and ios targets.
// Send notification to android/ios
Yii::$app->notification->popTarget(); // restores previous target - 'android'
// Send notification to android
Yii::$app->notification->popTarget(); // restores previous target - 'database'
// Send notification to database
Yii::$app->notification->popTarget(); // restores previous target - as defined in initial configuration.
Please note that you should use popTarget()
to restore old behavior. Example:
Yii::$app->notification->pushTarget(['android', 'ios']); // Will only send to android and ios targets.
// send notification
Yii::$app->notification->popTarget(); // restores previous active target.
You can call specific target using:
Yii::$app->notification->getTarget('database'); // Returns DatabaseTarget
Or you can execute command on specific targets using forTargets()
Yii::$app->notification->forTargets(['ios', 'android'], function(NotificationManager $manager) {
$manager->push('notification'); // Will only push notification to ios, android
Since some targets require additional token data for sending notification you can implement your own token retrieval logic based on which target needs which token.
Token retriever can be a callable
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'activeTarget' => ['database', 'android', 'ios'],
'targets' => [
'android' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\AndroidFcmTarget',
'apiKey' => 'YOUR API KEY',
'tokenRetriever' => function(NotificationInterface $n) {
return $n->getData()['fcmToken'];
callable will be called every time token is required for sending.
can also be a class which implements dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\TokenRetrievalInterface
class MyTokenRetrieval extends BaseObject implements dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\TokenRetrievalInterface {
public $target;
protected $cachedTokens = [];
// This example assumes you have UserTokens ActiveRecord
// which has columns: user_id, type, token
// And that will be used to retrieve user's token.
public function getToken(NotificationInterface $n) {
// This will cache tokens so that you dont need to
// hit database for every notification.
if (!empty($this->cachedTokens[$n->getUserId()])) {
return $this->cachedTokens[$n->getUserId()];
// Returns and caches token.
return $this->cachedTokens[$n->getUserId()] = UserTokens::find()
'user_id' => $n->getId(),
'type' => $this->target
->scalar() ?: '';
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'activeTarget' => ['database', 'android', 'ios'],
'targets' => [
'android' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\AndroidFcmTarget',
'apiKey' => 'YOUR API KEY',
'tokenRetriever' => [
'class' => MyTokenRetrieval::class,
'target' => 'android'
'ios' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\targets\IosApnTarget',
'pemFile' => '@app/path/to/your/pem/file.pem',
'password' => 'yourpassphrase',
'tokenRetriever' => [
'class' => MyTokenRetrieval::class,
'target' => 'ios'
You can use NotificationList
widget to display your notifications.
Please note that depending on your use case you will need to configure this widget to suit your needs. This widget assumes that
your component name is notification
although you can pass a different name during widget creation.
You need to specify template for your notifications using this widget.
Example of a simple list where notifications are defined as.
'components' => [
'notifications' => [
'class' => '\dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationManager',
'types' => [
'new_user' => [
'text' => [
'title' => 'New user created!',
'message' => 'New user {username} is created.'
'default' => [
'username' => '',
'fullName' => 'Unknown',
'gender' => 'male'
<?= \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\widgets\NotificationList::widget([
'containerTemplate' => '<ul>{notifications}{emptyText}</ul>',
'emptyText' => '<li>No notifications available.</li>',
'itemTemplate' => '
<span class="title">{text.title}</span>
<span class="message">{text.message}</span>
<span class="at">{timestamp}</span>
]); ?>
Custom sections are also supported. And you can define them as:
<?= \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\widgets\NotificationList::widget([
'containerTemplate' => '<ul>{notifications}{emptyText}</ul>',
'emptyText' => '<li>No notifications available.</li>',
'itemTemplate' => '
<span class="title">{text.title}</span>
<span class="message">{text.message}</span>
<span class="message">User full name: {section.fullName}</span>
'sections' => [
'fullName' => function($context) {
/** @var \dvamigos\Yii2\Notifications\NotificationInterface $n */
$n = $context['notification'];
if ($n->getType() !== 'new_user') {
return '';
return $n->getData()['fullName'];
]); ?>
Please refer to NotificationList
documentation in the code for more information on what is available.
Best practice is to extend this NotificationList
widget with your own and implement this functionality
based on needs for your own project.