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What is corenet

Corenet is a minimal LTE / EPC core network. It implements the minimal set of functions to handle eNodeBs through an S1 interface, and UEs through NAS and GTPU interfaces:

          LTE-Uu                       S1                    SGi
UE <-----Radio/UP------> eNodeB <---GTPU/UP----> corenet <---UP---> LAN
UE <---Radio/RRC/NAS---> eNodeB <---S1AP/NAS---> corenet
                         eNodeB <-----S1AP-----> corenet

No other interfaces are supported by corenet (no interface to S-GW, P-GW, HSS, no support for GTP-C or Diameter interfaces, ...).


Operating system and Python version

The application is made to work with Python 2.7, just like libmich library. Python 3 is not supported, mainly because libmich does not work with it. It works on Linux, because of the need for SCTP support and Ethernet raw sockets. It may work on other UNIX-like system, but this has not been tested.


The following libraries are required for corenet to work:

  • ipython is used to wrap the execution of corenet and to provide a friendly ipython-shell interface
  • pysctp is used to wrap the Linux kernel SCTP stack, and provides a Python API that is used by the MME server
  • pycrypto is used for handling the AES computation for EEA2 / EIA2 as provided in CryptoMobile
  • CryptoMobile is used for handling Milenage and EEA / EIA computations
  • libmich contains all components needed for running an LTE / EPC core network


After all dependencies have been installed, there is no further installation needed. The file can be launched as is from the command line.


You can launch the corenet application as is:

$ python ./ 
S1AP: 894 objects loaded into GLOBAL
RRCLTE: 859 objects loaded into GLOBAL
RRC3G: 4197 objects loaded into GLOBAL
EPC 0.1.0 loaded -- interactive Evolved Packet Core
ASN.1 classes: ASN1Obj, PER, GLOBAL
Protocol stack classes: ENBd, UEd
	MME: MME server, handling .UE and .ENB
	AUCd: AuC Authentication center
	GTPd: GTPU tunnel manager
	stop: stops all 3 running instances
	show: nicely prints signalling packets
	parse_L3: parses NAS-PDU
MME-initiated procedures:
	Identification, GUTIReallocation, Authentication, SecurityModeControl, EMMInformation, MMEDetach
In [1]: MME
Out[1]: <libmich.mobnet.MME.MMEd at 0x7fef648e86d0>

In [2]: MME.UE
Out[2]: {}

In [3]: MME.UEConfig
{'001010000000001': {'IP': ''},
 '001010000000002': {'IP': ''}}

In [4]: exit()
leaving corenet now...

You need to have the right to open raw Ethernet socket: for this you need to be root (e.g. sudo python, or to set the CAP_NET_RAW capability for the Python interpreter (sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip /usr/lib/python27).

From here, it is waiting for eNodeB to connect, and then to UE to attach. All logs are written to the /tmp/corenet.log file.

[2015-09-09 18:25:56.583878] --------########<<<<<<<<////////:::::::: CORENET ::::::::\\\\\\\\>>>>>>>>########--------
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.583932] ...
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.583969] [INF] [AuC] Starting AuC
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.596805] [INF] [GTPUd] GTPU handler started
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.620746] [INF] [ARPd] ARP resolver started
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.621268] [DBG] [MME: 001.01.0001.01] SCTP server started on address ('', 36412)
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.621326] [DBG] [MME: 001.01.0001.01] UE IMSI configured: ['001010000000002', '001010000000001']
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.621370] [DBG] [MME: 001.01.0001.01] eNodeB Global ID configured: []
[2015-09-09 18:25:56.623675] [INF] [MME: 001.01.0001.01] SCTP server listening on address ('', 36412)
[2015-09-09 18:27:03.923110] [INF] [AuC] AuC stopped
[2015-09-09 18:27:04.015783] [INF] [ARPd] ARP resolver stopped
[2015-09-09 18:27:04.213427] [INF] [GTPUd] GTPU handler stopped
[2015-09-09 18:27:04.549258] [INF] [MME: 001.01.0001.01] SCTP server stopped


The application is licensed under GPLv2: all licensed files have an header making it self-explanatory.

Contact and support

As the unique developper of the application, I am the only person to contact: michau [dot] benoit [at] gmail [dot] com. Every feedback is very welcomed ; however, because the application remains a complex piece of software, I may not be able to answer every request.

Technical aspects

Basic configuration

First of all, it is required to have USIM cards, that are personalized with known secret keys K. When this is done, IMSI, K and SQN (authentication counter) need to be configured in the libmich/mobnet/AuC.db file accordingly.

Then, several components of corenet have to be configured:

  • AuC: the authentication center, needs to be configured according to USIM cards
    • AuC.OP: MNO OP authentication parameter
    • AuC.db file: list of {IMSI, K, SQN} of USIM cards
  • ARPd: the ARP resolver which handles ARP resolution on behalf of UE on SGi
    • ARPd.GGSN_ETH_IF: ethernet interface name on SGi
    • ARPd.GGSN_MAC_ADDR: ethernet MAC address of the interface on SGi
    • ARPd.GGSN_IP_ADDR: IP address of the interface on SGi
    • ARPd.SUBNET_PREFIX: IP prefix of the LAN on SGi (/24 only)
    • ARPd.IP_POOL: list of IP addresses allocated to UE
    • ARPd.ROUTER_MAC_ADDR: Ethernet MAC address of the IP router on the LAN on SGi
    • ARPd.ROUTER_IP_ADDR: IP address of the IP router on the LAN on SGi
  • GTPUd: the GTP User-Plane packets forwarder
    • GTPUd.INT_IP: IP address that terminates GTP tunnel initiated by eNodeBs on S1
    • GTPUd.INT_PORT: UDP port that serves GTPU tunnels on S1 (keeps the default value, 2152)
    • GTPUd.EXT_IF: ethernet interface name on SGi (same as ARPd.GGSN_ETH_IF)
    • GTPUd.GGSN_MAC_ADDR: ethernet MAC address of the interface on SGi (same as ARPd.GGSN_MAC_ADDR)

MME and UE-related parameters may also be configured: see information below on the software architecture, to know what parameters you may want to change. All configuration parameters have to be edited directly in the file directly.

Software architecture

The MMEd instance is the main component. It runs the SCTP server and the ASN.1 encoder / decoder for S1AP PDU. It handles a list of connected eNodeBs with its ENB attribute (dict {enb global id: ENBd instance}), and a list of attached UEs with its UE attribute (dict {imsi: UEd instance}). Moreover, it has a GTPd class attribute, which references the GTPUd instance, and an AUCd class attribute, which references the AuC instance. Finally, the MME has some attributes containing configuration information: ConfigS1 (MME identification information used on S1AP), TA (list of Tracking Area served by connected eNodeBs) , UEConfig (list of IMSI / IP addresses of UE allowed to attach).

The MMEd class is defined in libmich/mobnet/

MMEd class attributes:

  • DEBUG: tuple of str, levels of debug info to display in the log file
  • TRACE_SK: bool, to trace all sctp sockets IO in the log file
  • TRACE_ASN1: bool, to trace all S1AP signalling message IO in the log file
  • TRACE_SEC: bool, to trace all NAS security headers IO in the log file
  • TRACE_NAS: bool, to trace all NAS EMM / ESM message IO in the log file
  • SERVER_BUFLEN: int, default to 2048, SCTP socket server buffer length
  • SERVER_MAXCLI: int, default to 16, SCTP socket server maximum number of clients
  • SCHED_RES: float, default to 0.1, time resolution (in sec.) for the MME scheduler
  • SCHED_UE_TO: bool, to regularly verify if UE procedures are in timeout and potentially end them
  • GTPd: reference to a GTPUd instance
  • AUCd: reference to an AuC instance
  • ConfigS1: dict, MME configuration information, signalled to eNodeBs in the S1 setup procedure

MMEd instance attributes:

  • ENB: dict {eNB global id: ENBd instance}, lists all connected eNodeBs
  • TA: dict {TA: set of eNB global id}, lists all tracking area served by connected eNodeB
  • UEConfig: dict {imsi: dict of UE parameters}, UE IP address is configured here
  • UE: dict {imsi: UEd instance}, lists all UE attached
  • UE_MME_ID: dict {mme_ue_s1ap_id: imsi}, lists all attributed MME_UE_S1AP_ID
  • TMSI: dict {tmsi: imsi}, lists all attributed TMSI

An ENBd instance is responsible for dealing with the S1AP signalling of a given eNodeB, which is identified uniquely by its ENodeB Global ID. It deals with ENBSigProc which is the parent class for all S1AP procedures that are eNodeB-related. All ongoing procedures are stored in the Proc attribute. Moreover, if the TRACE attribute is set to True, all passed and ongoing procedures are kept in the _proc attribute (so they are not garbage-collected).

The ENBd class and ENBSigProc classes are defined in libmich/mobnet/

ENBd class attributes:

  • TRACE: bool, to keep track of all passed eNB-related S1 procedures in _proc attribute

ENBd instance attributes:

  • GID: tuple, eNodeB global ID
  • ID_PLMN: str, eNodeB main PLMN ID
  • ID_ENB: str, eNodeB identity
  • MME: reference to the MMEd instance
  • SK: sctp socket instance, or None when the eNodeB is disconnected
  • ADDRS: sctp socket endpoint address, or None when the eNodeB is disconnected
  • Config: dict, eNodeB configuration information, signalled to the MME in the S1 setup procedure
  • Proc: dict {procedure id: ENBSigProc instance}, ongoing eNodeB-related S1AP procedures
  • Proc_last: uint, code of the last S1AP procedure run
  • _proc: list, list of all passed S1AP procedures

An UEd instance is responsible for dealing with the S1AP and NAS signalling for a given UE, which is identified uniquely by its IMSI. It deals with UES1SigProc and UENASSigProc which are the parent classes respectively for all S1AP procedures that are UE-related and all NAS EMM, ESM and security procedures. All S1, EMM and ESM ongoing procedures are stored in the Proc attribute. Moreover, it the TRACE attribute is set to True all passed and ongoing procedures are kept in the _proc attribute (they are not garbage-collected). Each UEd instance makes use of the MME.GTPd references to set and unset GTP tunnels. Each Authentication (UENASSigProc) instance makes use of the MME.AUCd references to get authentication vectors.

The UEd class is defined in libmich/mobnet/ UES1SigProc classes are defined in libmich/mobnet/ and UENASSigProc classes are defined in libmich/mobnet/

UEd class attributes:

  • TRACE_S1: bool, to keep track of all passed UE-related S1 procedures in _proc attribute
  • TRACE_NAS: bool, to keep track of all passed NAS procedures in _proc attribute
  • NASSEC_MAC: bool, if set to False, corenet will accept NASPDU with invalid MAC
  • NASSEC_ULCNT: bool, if set to False, corenet will accept NASPDU with invalid NAS uplink count
  • AUTH_POL_ATT: uint, authentication rate for attach procedure (1/AUTH_POL_ATT)
  • AUTH_POL_TAU: uint, authentication rate for tracking area update procedure (1/AUTH_POL_TAU)
  • AUTH_POL_SERV: uint, authentication rate for service request procedure (1/AUTH_POL_SERV)
  • AUTH_AMF: 2-bytes, AMF field to be set in authentication vectors
  • SMC_EEA: list of preferred EEA NAS algorithm identifiers (0, 1, 2, 3)
  • SMC_EIA: list of preferred EIA NAS algorithm identifiers (1, 2, 3)
  • ESM_PDN: dict of PDN parameters, indexed by APN
  • ESM_APN_DEF: str, default APN for corenet
  • ESM_CTXT_ACT: bool, if set to False, no data channel will be established (useful for exchanging NAS PDU only)

UEd instance attributes:

  • IMSI: str, IMSI of the UE
  • MME: reference to the MMEd instance
  • ENB: reference to the ENBd instance handling the UE, or None (when UE is IDLE)
  • S1: dict, contains S1 info related to the UE
  • SEC: dict, contains info related to the UE NAS security context
  • EMM: dict, contains info related to the UE EMM state
  • ESM: dict, contains info related to the UE ESM state, including negotiated and active RAB
  • CAP: dict, UE capabilities
  • Proc: dict, ongoing UE-related S1 / EMM / ESM procedures
  • Proc_last: uint, code of the last S1 procedure run
  • _proc: list, list of all passed S1AP and NAS procedures

Basic software structure:

MMEd instance (libmich/mobnet/
    .GTPd: GTPUd instance reference (libmich/mobnet/
    .AUCd: AuC instance reference (libmich/mobnet/
    .ENB -> ENBd instances (libmich/mobnet/
        .Proc -> ENBSigProc instances (libmich/mobnet/
    .UE -> UEd instances (libmich/mobnet/
        .Proc -> S1: UES1SigProc instances (libmich/mobnet/
              -> EMM: UENASSigProc instances (libmich/mobnet/
              -> ESM: UENASSigProc instances (libmich/mobnet/


Minimal LTE / EPC core network







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