Callimachus 1.5.0 Release Candidate
New features in this release include:
- New Remote RDF Datasource resources provide Direct and Indirect Graph Store Protocol and navigable resources on top of (remote) SPARQL endpoints
- Support for text/turtle and application/ld+json result formats from SPARQL endpoints
- Support for application/sparql-update file hosting
- SERVICE blocks now use Callimachus credentials for authentication
- Faster CAR folder import
- Member of staff and power groups can now invite users to groups they are editors of
- Folders can now define their own 404 handlers
- New Persistent URL resources
- Redirect resources simplify the PURL creation be providing only essential fields
- PURL interface has been simplified to provide GET-only capabilities
- Proxy resources proxy content and operations by a path prefix from the Web
- Rewrite Rule allows complex redirection/handling of requests for resources of any path depth