The ros2autodoc
package provides a ROS2 command line interface tool to automatically generate documentation for ROS2 nodes.
The tool outputs an initial documentation file detailing the interface (parameters, publishers, subscribers, services and actions) for a running ROS2 node. The package was tested with ROS2 Foxy, Humble and Iron.
- Install a recent ROS2 version.
- Make sure that
is installed:
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
- Clone this repo into your workspace:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws
git clone src/ros2autodoc
- Build the workspace:
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 autodoc generate --help
usage: ros2 autodoc generate [-h] [--nodes [node ...]] [--executables [executables ...]] [--output-dir] [--seperate-files] package_name
Automatically generate documentation for a ROS2 node
positional arguments:
package_name name of the package containing the nodes to be documented.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nodes [node ...] name of the nodes to be documented.
--executables [executables ...]
name of the executables for the nodes to be documented.
--output-dir the directory where documentation should be written. If not specified, the file will be saved to the current directory.
--seperate-files when this option is set, the node documentation will be written to separate files and no package documentation will be generated
We are going to demonstrate the usage of this package using the turtlesim package included in ROS2.
ros2 autodoc generate turtlesim --nodes turtlesim draw_square --executables turtlesim_node draw_square
This should output the following file to your current working directory.
$ ros2 autodoc check --help
usage: ros2 autodoc check [-h] [--nodes [node ...]] [--executables [executables ...]] package_name input_file
Check if a ROS2 node API is documented
positional arguments:
package_name name of the package containing the nodes to be documented.
input_file absolute path of the documentation of the nodes.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nodes [node ...] name of the nodes to be documented.
--executables [executables ...]
name of the executables for the nodes to be documented.
Check if the node interfaces are listed properly in the file:
ros2 autodoc check turtlesim path/to/ros2autodoc/src/example/ --nodes turtlesim --executables turtlesim_node
This should output the following and exit
Node 'turtlesim' interfaces are correctly listed.