An ESLint Shareable Config
Create a new annotated tag and push it to github.
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Tag comment"
git push origin v1.0.0
npm install @3fs/eslint-config eslint
# OR
yarn add @3fs/eslint-config eslint
Shareable configs are designed to simplify configuration in eslint config files. You can learn more about Shareable Configs on the official ESLint website.
To use this shareable config, first run this:
npm install --save-dev eslint @3fs/eslint-config
# OR
yarn add --dev eslint @3fs/eslint-config
Then, add this to your eslint.config.mjs
import trifsPreset from '@3fs/eslint-config';
export default [...trifsPreset];
You can override settings from the shareable config by adding them as a next element in the array.
- React config