A dockerized application implementing an end-to-end workflow to process Hi-C data files and displaying their structures in an instance of the 4D Genome Browser.
The workflow takes .hic
data, processes the data and creates a running server that can be used to view the data with a web browser. The system takes advantage of previous runs, so if you've already computed some data, it won't be recomputed the next time the workflow is run.
The workflow is split into two stages: "Build" and "View". Each implemented with a separate docker image. The Build stage does most of the computation (including the most expensive part, running the LAMMPS simulation) and outputs a project suitable for viewing with the 4D Genome Browser. The View stage simply creates an instance of this browser, allowing the user to view their project.
- Create a directory to contain all of your input data. In it, create a
file with the following format:
resolution: 200000 # optional (defaults to 200000)
chromosome: X # optional (defaults to 'X')
count_threshold: 2.0 # optional (defaults to 2.0)
- name: "Data 01"
hic: "path/to/data_01.hic"
- name: "Data 02"
hic: "path/to/data_02.hic"
See the File Specification Document for full details on what can be included in the input data
- Checkout submodules
git submodule update --init
- Build the Docker images.
make docker
- Run the browser!
./4DGBWorkflow run /path/to/project/directory/
Example output:
$ ./4DGBWorkflow run ./example_project
[>]: Building project... (this may take a while)
# Ready!
# Open your web browser and visit:
# http://localhost:8000/compare.html?gtkproject=example_project
# Press [Ctrl-C] to exit
If this is the first time running a project, this may take a while, since it needs to run a molecular dynamics simulation with LAMMPS on your input data. The next time you run it, it won't need to run the simulation again. If you update the input files, then the simulation will automatically be re-run!
Example Screenshot
See the Publising doc for information on publishing and releasing new versions.
For initiates of the NixOS cult, there is a Nix Flake which exports a package of the workflow builder as well as development environment in which you can easily run the workflow. Each submodule also has its in own flake exporting relevant packages.
To enter the development environment (you need to enable submodules):
nix develop '.?submodules=1'
To build a project and run the browser:
# Build the workflow script
nix build '.?submodules=1#workflow-build'
# Run the just-built workflow
./result/bin/4dgb-workflow-build example_project/ example_out/
# Run the browser (which is available in the PATH in the dev environment)
PROJECT_HOME=example_out/ gtkserver.py