#Akka patterns
This repository contains code that demonstrates large-scale Akka applications. My aim is to share my experience & the pains so that you don't have to re-invent the wheel yourself.
Follow me on Twitter @honzam399; submit your requests for the next topic to cover by adding an issue Issues.
The topics I shall cover include:
- Building (Maven and SBT)
- Composing features
- Configuration
- Testing (unit, integration and white-box), including BDD
- Data access (relational, document, key-value and graph databases)
- Transactional behaviour
- Proper application of purely functional code & patterns (Shapeless and Scalaz)
- Authentication and authorisation
- User interface
- Comparison with Spring Framework
- Data access--the "old school" in Scala 2.9.2 and the slick new one in 2.10 in #Slick
See the Wiki for documentation of the various patterns; and please do share your ideas!