The webserver that wraps pihole to allow one-touch "blacklist" of domains via mqttthing/ homekit on iOS - so that you don't need to do all or nothing.
- Once the new pihole api is released, will potentially be deprecated
- Design choice: keep node-red focused on transport than the heavy lifting of config management
- Design limitation: MQTT Thing doesn't support dynamic accessories currently, so each provider will need
- See folder node_red_flows for an example parser
"type": "switch",
"name": "${provider_friendly}",
"url": "${mqtt_address}",
"mqttOptions": {
"keepalive": 30
"logMqtt": false,
"debounceRecvms": 100,
"optimizePublishing": false,
"topics": {
"getOn": "dns_controller/media/${provider}/status",
"setOn": "dns_controller/media/${provider}/change"
"onValue": "on",
"offValue": "off",
"accessory": "mqttthing"