Snapshots of "known-good" AOSP manifests for various devboards
Where "known-good" means that basic functionality has been checked and it should be ok for development work.
To use:
Go to your already checked out AOSP TOPDIR
If you need help setting up a build environment and checking out the AOSP source, please refer to the AOSP instructions here:
Also review the instruction details specifically for devboards:
Download the known-good manifest you wish to use. Manifests can be found under the board directories here:
And the latest known-good manifest can be accessed via:<BOARD>.xml
Copy known-good manifest to .repo/manifests/ dir
cp <MANIFEST>.xml .repo/manifests/
Initialize & sync the repo using the manifest:
repo sync -j24 -m <MANIFEST>.xml
Then proceed to build.
To switch back to AOSP/master:
Go to your already checked out AOSP TOPDIR
Remove the known-good manifest
rm .repo/manifests/<MANIFEST>.xml
Re-Initialize and sync the repo using the AOSP/master manifest:
repo sync -j24