Releases: 98ping/Alchemist
2.12 - Auto-Broadcast Update
2.11 - Disguise and QOL
This update features disguises working with an API as well as some general fixes to features in Alchemist that were buggy to begin with.
2.10 - 2FA and LunarClientAPI integration
This update has some features such as 2FA, LunarClientAPI integration, and reworks in the expiry of grants and punishments.
2.9 - Coin shop update
This update has features such as coin shop, ghostmutes, and ip reports.
2.8 - Essentials Module and Friend Updates
This jar adds more essential commands into the rank core and updated the friends system.
2.7 - Chat module and backend changes
This update adds a new chat module with commands such as /slowchat and /mutechat as well as more backend fixes to speed up the server
2.6 - Modmode fixes
Some simple fixes to modmode that I did not have before
2.5 - Hotfix to offhosted mongo users
This fix makes it so that mongodb works properly now with clevercloud and atlas
2.4 - [BETA] Queue system and some feature updates
Added a beta queue system and made some of the menus look cleaner such as server menu and rank editor
2.3 - Menu revamps
This update contains brand new menus as well as a new system to manage them