Repository containing raw code for kinship estimate and also individual-, and colony-level GWAS conducted in the Avalos & Pan et al., 2020 study
- The purpose of this script is to estimate the kinship and genetic relationship matrices.
- The purpose of this script is to conduct a genome wide association analysis of individual phenotype.
- The purpose of this script is to conduct a genome wide association analysis using per-colony phenotype and minor allele.
- This is a file containing per-sample meta data for individuals used in this study.
- This is a file containing IDs of markers concordant between two independent variant-calling pipelines (see source publication for details).
In the code file: "worker_mvcall.phasedimputed.snp.gds" is referenced, this is a dataset file deposted in Dryad, see:
Avalos, Arián (2020), Genomic regions influencing aggressive behavior in honey bees are defined by colony allele frequencies, Dryad, Dataset,