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A Flutter Plugin for SciChart

Installation Steps

  1. Download this repository to your local maching and extract files.
  2. Create a folder inside you Flutter root folder named "package" and inside package create another folder named "sci_chart".
  3. Move contents of this repository to the above "sci_chart" folder.
  4. Inside your Flutter App pubspec.yamml file add dependency as below.
    sdk: flutter
    path: ./package/sci_chart
  1. Run flutter pub get from terminal inside this folder.
  2. Install pods for iOS project
cd ios/
pod install
  1. You have successfully installed SciChart

Using SciChart

  1. Inside lib/main.dart file import sci_chart
import 'package:sci_chart/sci_chart.dart';
  1. Inside Widget add SciChart as below
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {

  late final SciChartSurfaceController _sciChartController;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: Center(
        child: SciChart(
            viewType: "com.scichart/scichart_base_band_chart",
            onSciChartSurfaceCreated: _onSciChartViewCreated
      ), // This trailing comma makes auto-formatting nicer for build methods.

  void _onSciChartViewCreated(SciChartSurfaceController controller) {
    _sciChartController = controller;

Here viewType will be the Native View Id that we will discuss later.

SciChartSurfaceController is used to pass data between flutter and native view. It has setData and getData method which is used to pass data.

  1. Open iOS project in Xcode. Add your license key into Appdelegate.h
import SciChart

@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
    override func application(
        _ application: UIApplication,
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
    ) -> Bool {
        GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)

        let licenseKey = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"

        return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

Configuring Android View

Inside package/sci_chart/android/src/main/kotlin/com/scichart/sci_chart/base_band path you will find a demo example that included base band example.

Inside package/sci_chart/android/src/main/kotlin/com/scichart/sci_chart/SciChartPlugin.kt file you can add additional views to Android Native views.

In SciChartPlugin.kt file com.scichart/scichart_base_band_chart will be the viewType that we added in main.dart file

  • Note: When working with kotlin file please open package/sci_chart/android folder in Android Studio so you can import respective class automatically.

Steps to add new view

  1. In SciChartPlugin.kt file add new view as below, where com.scichart/scichart_my_new_chart will be your new viewType.
  1. Create FlutterMyViewFactory.kt at same location as SciChartPlugin.kt file, here take not of FlutterMyView which will be created next.
class FlutterMyViewFactory(private val messenger: BinaryMessenger) :
    PlatformViewFactory(StandardMessageCodec.INSTANCE) {
    override fun create(context: Context, id: Int, o: Any?): PlatformView {
        return FlutterMyView(context, messenger, id)
  1. Create FlutterMyView.kt at same location as below. Don't forget to include license key.
class FlutterBaseBandChartView internal constructor(
    private val context: Context,
    messenger: BinaryMessenger,
    id: Int,
) : PlatformView, MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler {

    private val sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface

    private val dataSeries =
        XyyDataSeries(Double::class.javaObjectType, Double::class.javaObjectType)

    override fun getView(): View {
        return sciChartSurface

    init {
        SciChartSurface.setRuntimeLicenseKey("add licence key here");

        sciChartSurface = SciChartSurface(context)

        val xAxis = NumericAxis(context)
        xAxis.visibleRange = DoubleRange(1.1, 2.7)
        val yAxis = NumericAxis(context)
        yAxis.growBy = DoubleRange(0.1, 0.1)

        val data: DoubleSeries = DataManager.getInstance().getDampedSinewave(1.0, 0.01, 1000, 10)
        val moreData: DoubleSeries =
            DataManager.getInstance().getDampedSinewave(1.0, 0.005, 1000, 12)

        dataSeries.append(data.xValues, data.yValues, moreData.yValues)

        val rSeries = FastBandRenderableSeries()
        rSeries.dataSeries = dataSeries
        rSeries.fillBrushStyle = SolidBrushStyle(0x33F48420)
        rSeries.fillY1BrushStyle = SolidBrushStyle(0x3350C7E0)
        rSeries.strokeStyle = SolidPenStyle(-0xb7be0, true, 1f, null)
        rSeries.strokeY1Style = SolidPenStyle(-0xaf3820, true, 1f, null)

        UpdateSuspender.using(sciChartSurface) {
            Collections.addAll<IAxis>(sciChartSurface.xAxes, xAxis)
            Collections.addAll<IAxis>(sciChartSurface.yAxes, yAxis)
            Collections.addAll<FastBandRenderableSeries>(sciChartSurface.renderableSeries, rSeries)
                ZoomPanModifier(), ZoomExtentsModifier()

                1000L, 0,
                0f, 1f


    override fun onMethodCall(methodCall: MethodCall, result: MethodChannel.Result) {
        when (methodCall.method) {
            "setData" -> setData(methodCall, result)
            "getData" -> getData(methodCall, result)
            else -> result.notImplemented()

    private fun setData(methodCall: MethodCall, result: MethodChannel.Result) {

    private fun getData(methodCall: MethodCall, result: MethodChannel.Result) {
        val data = dataSeries.yValues.toList()
        result.success(data.mapNotNull { it.toString() })

    override fun dispose() {
  1. In dart file you can use chart silimar to the above main.dart file.
    viewType: "com.scichart/scichart_my_new_chart",
    onSciChartSurfaceCreated: _onSciChartViewCreated

Configuring iOS View

Inside package/sci_chart/ios/Classes/BaseBand path you will find a demo example that included base band example.

Inside /package/sci_chart/ios/Classes/SciChartPlugin.swift file you can add additional views to iOS Native views.

In SciChartPlugin.swift file com.scichart/scichart_base_band_chart will be the viewType that we have added in main.dart file

  • Note: When working with swift file please open iOS folder in Xcode so you can import respective class automatically.
  • In Xcode you can find /package/sci_chart/ios folder at Pods/Development Pods/sci_chart/../../../../ios/.symlinks/plugins/sci_chart/ios path

Steps to add new view

  1. In SciChartPlugin.swift file add new view as below, where com.scichart/scichart_my_new_chart will be your new viewType.
let myViewFactory = FlutterMyViewFactory(messenger: registrar.messenger())
registrar.register(myViewFactory, withId: "com.scichart/scichart_my_new_chart")
  1. Create FlutterMyViewFactory.swift at same location as SciChartPlugin.swift file, here take not of FlutterMyView which will be created next.
import Flutter
import UIKit

class FlutterMyViewFactory: NSObject, FlutterPlatformViewFactory {
    private var messenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger

    init(messenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger) {
        self.messenger = messenger

    func create(
        withFrame frame: CGRect,
        viewIdentifier viewId: Int64,
        arguments args: Any?
    ) -> FlutterPlatformView {
        return FlutterMyView(
            frame: frame,
            viewIdentifier: viewId,
            arguments: args,
            binaryMessenger: messenger)
  1. Create FlutterMyView.swift at same location as below.
import Flutter
import UIKit
import SciChart

class FlutterMyView: NSObject, FlutterPlatformView {
    private var _view: UIView
    let surface = SCIChartSurface()

        frame: CGRect,
        viewIdentifier viewId: Int64,
        arguments args: Any?,
        binaryMessenger messenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger?
    ) {
        _view = UIView()
        // iOS views can be created here
        createNativeView(view: _view)

    func view() -> UIView {
        return _view

    func createNativeView(view _view: UIView){
        let xAxis = SCINumericAxis()
        xAxis.visibleRange = SCIDoubleRange(min: 1.1, max: 2.7)
        let yAxis = SCINumericAxis()
        yAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1)
        let data = SCDDataManager.getDampedSinewave(withAmplitude: 1.0, dampingFactor: 0.01, pointCount: 1000, freq: 10)
        let moreData = SCDDataManager.getDampedSinewave(withAmplitude: 1.0, dampingFactor: 0.005, pointCount: 1000, freq: 12)
        let dataSeries = SCIXyyDataSeries(xType: .double, yType: .double)
        dataSeries.append(x: data.xValues, y: data.yValues, y1: moreData.yValues)
        let rSeries = SCIFastBandRenderableSeries()
        rSeries.dataSeries = dataSeries
        rSeries.fillBrushStyle = SCISolidBrushStyle(color: 0x3350C7E0)
        rSeries.fillY1BrushStyle = SCISolidBrushStyle(color: 0x33F48420)
        rSeries.strokeStyle =  SCISolidPenStyle(color: 0xFF50C7E0, thickness: 2.0)
        rSeries.strokeY1Style = SCISolidPenStyle(color: 0xFFF48420, thickness: 2.0)
        let easingFunction = SCIElasticEase()
        easingFunction.oscillations = 1
        easingFunction.springiness = 5
        SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(surface) {
            SCIAnimations.scale(rSeries, duration: 1.0, andEasingFunction: easingFunction)
  1. In dart file you can use chart silimar to the above main.dart file.
    viewType: "com.scichart/scichart_my_new_chart",
    onSciChartSurfaceCreated: _onSciChartViewCreated


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