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Reactive Library WhenPropertyChanged

andyb1979 edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 1 revision

WhenPropertyChanged usage

WhenPropertyChanged is an extension method in the SciChart.UI.Reactive.Observability namespace which provides a reactive stream to one or more properties.

Given a viewmodel defined as follows:

public enum SearchOptions

public class WhenPropertyChangedTests : ObservableObjectBase
    public string SearchText
        get => GetDynamicValue<string>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

    public SearchOptions SearchOptions
        get => GetDynamicValue<SearchOptions>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

Properties may be observed using Reactive Extensions as follows

void Foo()
	// Create the ViewModel
	WhenPropertyChangedTests vm = new WhenPropertyChangedTests();

	// Observe properties
	var observable1 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchText);
	var observable2 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchOptions);

	// Subscribe 
	var disposable = observable1.Subscribe(t => Console.WriteLine($"Search Text = '{t}'"));

	// Set properties 
	vm.SearchText = "Hello"; // -> Should output 'Search Text = 'Hello'' to console
	vm.SearchText = "World"; // -> Should output 'Search Text = 'World'' to console


	vm.SearchText = "Not observed"; // nothing happens 

Multiple properties may be observed using Observable.CombineLatest

void Foo()
    // Create the ViewModel
    WhenPropertyChangedTests vm = new WhenPropertyChangedTests();

    // Observe properties
    var observable1 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchText);
    var observable2 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchOptions);

    // Subscribe 
    var disposable = Observable.CombineLatest(observable1, observable2, Tuple.Create)
        .Subscribe(t => Console.WriteLine($"Search Text = '{t.Item1}', Options = '{t.Item2}'"));

    // Set properties 

    // -> Should output 'Search Text = 'Hello', Options = 'AnOption'' to console
    vm.SearchText = "Hello";
    // -> Should output 'Search Text = 'Hello', Options = 'AnotherOption'' to console 
    vm.SearchOptions = SearchOptions.AnotherOption;
    // -> Should output 'Search Text = 'World', Options = 'AnotherOption'' to console
    vm.SearchText = "World";


    vm.SearchText = "Not observed"; // nothing happens 


The Extension method DisposeWith() ensures a reactive obsevable is disposed with a parent which implements ICompositeDisposable (including all viewmodel and trait types in SciChart.UI.Reactive)

void Foo()
    // Create the ViewModel
    WhenPropertyChangedTests vm = new WhenPropertyChangedTests();

    // Observe properties
    var observable1 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchText);
    var observable2 = vm.WhenPropertyChanged(x => x.SearchOptions);

    // Subscribe 
    var disposable = Observable.CombineLatest(observable1, observable2, Tuple.Create)
        .Subscribe(t => Console.WriteLine($"Search Text = '{t.Item1}', Options = '{t.Item2}'"));


    // Dipose the parent, disposes subscription above 

    vm.SearchText = "Not observed"; // nothing happens 

Worked Example / Searching with two properties

Imagine you have a class which provides searches to a remote server. You want to call a method SearchForResults which is an async call with multiple parameters when the parameters change in a ViewModel, which are bound to user controls. You want to prevent too many searches to the server and want nice neat observable code to do it.

Starting off with the definition of the search service like this:

public interface ISearchService
    Task<ResultViewModel> SearchForResults(string searchText, SearchOptions options);

public enum SearchOptions

public class ResultViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public string ResultText
        get => GetDynamicValue<string>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

We might create a ViewModel which observes properties like this:

public class WhenPropertyChangedTests : ObservableObjectBase
    public WhenPropertyChangedTests(ISearchService searchProvider)
        // TODO: The search 

    public string SearchText
        get => GetDynamicValue<string>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

    public SearchOptions SearchOptions
        get => GetDynamicValue<SearchOptions>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

    public IEnumerable<ResultViewModel> SearchResults
        get => GetDynamicValue<IEnumerable<ResultViewModel>>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

Adding the Property Observability

Now, the next part is to observe the properties SearchOptions and SearchText to call the search service and get results.

Update the constructor of the ViewModel as follows:

public class WhenPropertyChangedTests : ObservableObjectBase
    public WhenPropertyChangedTests(ISearchService searchProvider, ISchedulerContext scheduler)
        // When either property changes (creates a Tuple)
        this.WhenPropertiesChanged(x => x.SearchText, x => x.SearchOptions)

            // Throttle events within 500ms
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), scheduler.Default)

            // Does the search 
            .Select(args => searchProvider.SearchForResults(args.Item1, args.Item2).ToObservable())

            // Sets results on the ViewModel
            .Subscribe(results => SearchResults = results)

    public string SearchText
        get => GetDynamicValue<string>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

    public SearchOptions SearchOptions
        get => GetDynamicValue<SearchOptions>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);

    public IEnumerable<ResultViewModel> SearchResults
        get => GetDynamicValue<IEnumerable<ResultViewModel>>();
        set => SetDynamicValue(value);