- ❤️ Passionate about coding for the public good and working on anything that promotes human flourishing!
- 👀 Interesteed Reinforcement Learning and how community infrastructure shapes our social fabric.
- 🌱 Currently a Grad student at Duke University studying Computer Science with a concentration in Machine Learning & AI.
- 💻 I know Python, R, Java, C, SQL, and GLPK.
- 📧: Contact me through my LinkedIn
- Learning Bipedal Locomotion Policy Using Reinforcement Learning (Access the paper here)
- Energy Infrastructure Object Detection from Satellite Imagery
- Object Detection to Evaluate Efficacy of Move Over Slow Down Law on US Highways
- Google Trends Data Collector
- Berkshire Plea Tracker (Visibility is restricted for data sensitivity reasons, synthetic display version here)
- LinkedIn Business Information Collector (Visibility is restricted for data sensitivity reasons)
- Clinical Trial Monitoring & Alert System (Visibility is restricted by company request)