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DIS Blueprint Function Library. Houses functions for common geospatial conversions and for common PDU accessor functions.
: public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
- glm/gtx/quaternion
- CoreMinimal
- DISEnumsAndStructs
- PDUMasterInclude
- Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary
- GeoReferencingSystem
Access | Return | Name | Description | |
Public | Static | void | ApplyHeadingPitchRollToNorthEastDownVector(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, FVector& OutX, FVector& OutY, FVector& OutZ) | Applies the given heading, pitch, and roll in degrees to the local East North Down vectors |
Private | Static | void | ApplyHeadingPitchToNorthEastDownVector(const float HeadingDegrees, const float PitchDegrees, const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, FVector& OutX, FVector& OutY, FVector& OutZ) | Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch |
Private | Static | void | ApplyRollToNorthEastDownVector(const float RollDegrees, const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, FVector& OutX, FVector& OutY, FVector& OutZ) | Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch |
Public | Static | void | CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight(const FLatLonHeightDouble LatLonHeightDegreesMeters, FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble& OutEcef) | Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in double (64-bit) precision |
Public | Static | void | CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight(const FLatLonHeightFloat LatLonHeightDegreesMeters, FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& OutECEF) | Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in floating point (32-bit) precision |
Public | Static | void | CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees) | Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees) | Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollRadians) | Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollRadians) | Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculateLatLonFromNorthEastDownVectors(FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, float& LatitudeDegrees, float& LongitudeDegrees) | Calculates the latitude and longitude at the given East, North, and Up vectors |
Public | Static | void | CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ(const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble Ecef, FLatLonHeightDouble& OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters) | Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (64-bit) precision |
Public | Static | void | CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ(const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat Ecef, FLatLonHeightFloat& OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters) | Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (32-bit) precision |
Public | Static | void | CalculateNorthEastDownVectorsFromLatLon(const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FNorthEastDown& OutNorthEastDownVectors) | Calculates the East, North, and Up vectors at given latitude and longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees) | Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees) | Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians) | Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | void | CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians) | Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude |
Public | Static | FMatrix | ConvertNedAndEnu(FMatrix StartingVectors) | Convert between North, East, Down and East, North, Up orientation representation using double values |
Public | Static | glm::dmat3 | ConvertNedAndEnu(glm::dmat3 StartingVectors) | Convert between North, East, Down and East, North, Up orientation representation using double values |
Public | Static | FMatrix | CreateNCrossXMatrix(FVector NVector) | Creates a 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix |
Public | Static | glm::dmat3 | CreateNCrossXMatrix(glm::dvec3 NVector) | Creates a 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix |
Private | Static | void | FMatrixCreateRotationMatrix(FVector AxisVector, float ThetaRadians, FMatrix& OutRotationMatrix) | Creates a 4x4 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians |
Private | Static | void | glm::dmat3CreateRotationMatrix(glm::dvec3 AxisVector, float ThetaRadians, glm::dmat3& OutRotationMatrix) | Creates a 3x3 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians |
Public | Static | void | GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromNorthEastDownVectors(FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors, FEastNorthUp& EastNorthUpVectors) | Get the East, North, and Up vectors from the North, East, and Down vector struct |
Public | Statc | void | GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromUnrealLocation(FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FEastNorthUp EastNorthUpVectors) | Gets the East, North, and Up vector representation of the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnreal(const FRotator UnrealRotation, FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& EcefXYZ, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees) | Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnreal(const FRotator UnrealRotation, const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& EcefXYZ, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians) | Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetEcefXYZFromUnrealLocation(const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& ECEF) | Calculate the ECEF location of the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetHeadingPitchRollFromUnrealRotation(const FRotator UnrealRotation, const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees) | Gets the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetLatLonHeightFromUnrealLocation(const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FLatLonHeightFloat& LatLonHeightDegreesMeters) | Calculate the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters of the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromEastNorthUpVectors(FEastNorthUp EastNorthUpVectors, FNorthEastDown& NorthEastDownVectors) | Get the North, East, and Down vectors from the East, North, and Up vector struct |
Public | Static | void | GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromUnrealLocation(FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FNorthEastDown& NorthEastDownVectors) | Gets the North, East, and Down vector representation of the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnrealRotation(const FRotator UnrealRotation, const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees) | Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnrealRotation(const FRotator UnrealRotation, const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians) | Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealLocationAndOrientationFromEntityStatePdu(const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FVector& UnrealLocation, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Gets the Unreal X, Y, Z coordinates and rotation from a DIS entity state PDU. Location values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing Subsystem is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealLocationFromEcefXYZ(const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble EcefXYZ, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FVector& UnrealLocation) | Get the Unreal location from the given ECEF XYZ location |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealLocationFromEcefXYZ(const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat EcefXYZ, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FVector& UnrealLocation) | Get the Unreal location from the given ECEF XYZ location |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealLocationFromEntityStatePdu(const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FVector& UnrealLocation) | Gets the Unreal X, Y, Z coordinates of the entity from the given ECEF values in the DIS entity state pdu. Values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing Subsystem is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealLocationFromLatLonHeight(const FLatLonHeightFloat LatLonHeightDegreesMeters, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FVector& UnrealLocation) | Get the Unreal location from the given latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters location |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealRotationFromEntityStatePdu(const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Gets Unreal rotation from a DIS entity state PDU |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealRotationFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Get the Unreal rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealRotationFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon(const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Get the Unreal rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealRotationFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Get the Unreal rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees |
Public | Static | void | GetUnrealRotationFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon(const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians, const float LatitudeDegrees, const float LongitudeDegrees, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FRotator& UnrealRotation) | Get the Unreal rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians |
Public | Static | void | RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees(FVector VectorToRotate, float ThetaDegrees, FVector AxisVector, FVector& OutRotatedVector) | Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees |
Public | Static | void | RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees(glm::dvec3 VectorToRotate, float ThetaDegrees,glm::dvec3 AxisVector, glm::dvec3& OutRotatedVector) | Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees |
Public | Static | void | RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians(FVector VectorToRotate, float ThetaRadians, FVector AxisVector, FVector& OutRotatedVector) | Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians |
Public | Static | void | RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians(glm::dvec3 VectorToRotate, double ThetaRadians, glm::dvec3 AxisVector, glm::dvec3& OutRotatedVector) | Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians |
public static void ApplyHeadingPitchRollToNorthEastDownVector
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
FVector& OutX,
FVector& OutY,
FVector& OutZ
Applies the given heading, pitch, and roll in degrees to the local East North Down vectors.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
NorthEastDownVectors | The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth |
OutX | The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutY | The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutZ | The z axis (down) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
private static void pplyHeadingPitchToNorthEastDownVector
const float HeadingDegrees,
const float PitchDegrees,
const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
FVector& OutX,
FVector& OutY,
FVector& OutZ
Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch.
Parameter | Description |
HeadingDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (spin left and right) |
PitchDegrees | The degrees rotated about the local Y axis (front tip up and down) |
NorthEastDownVectors | The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth |
OutX | The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutY | The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutZ | the z axis (up) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
private static void ApplyRollToNorthEastDownVector
const float RollDegrees,
const FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
FVector& OutX,
FVector& OutY,
FVector& OutZ
Rotates the given East, North, and Up vectors by the given Heading and Pitch.
Parameter | Description |
RollDegrees | The degrees rotated about the local X axis (tilt left and right) |
NorthEastDownVectors | The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth |
OutX | The x axis (forward) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutY | The y axis (right) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
OutZ | the z axis (up) vector with the heading and pitch applied |
public static void CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight
const FLatLonHeightDouble LatLonHeightDegreesMeters,
FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble& OutEcef
Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in double (64-bit) precision.
Parameter | Description |
LatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters |
OutEcef | The converted ECEF location |
public static void CalculateEcefXYZFromLatLonHeight
const FLatLonHeightFloat LatLonHeightDegreesMeters,
FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& OutECEF
Converts Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) to DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) all in floating point (32-bit) precision.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
LatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters |
OutECEF | The converted ECEF location in double |
public static void CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees
Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
public static void CalculateHeadingPitchRollDegreesFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees
Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
public static void CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollRadians
Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
HeadingPitchRollRadians | The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
public static void CalculateHeadingPitchRollRadiansFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollRadians
Calculates the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians from the given DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
HeadingPitchRollRadians | The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
public static void CalculateLatLonFromNorthEastDownVectors
FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
float& LatitudeDegrees,
float& LongitudeDegrees
Calculates the latitude and longitude at the given East, North, and Up vectors.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
NorthEastDownVectors | The vectors pointing to the North, to the East, and toward the center of the Earth |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
public static void CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ
const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble Ecef,
FLatLonHeightDouble& OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters
Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (64-bit) precision.
Parameter | Description |
Ecef | The ECEF location |
OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The converted latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters |
public static void CalculateLatLonHeightFromEcefXYZ
const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat Ecef,
FLatLonHeightFloat& OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters
Converts DIS X, Y, Z coordinates (ECEF) to Latitude, Longitude, and Height (LLH) all in double (32-bit) precision.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
Ecef | The ECEF location |
OutLatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The converted latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters |
public static void CalculateNorthEastDownVectorsFromLatLon
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FNorthEastDown& OutNorthEastDownVectors
Calculates the East, North, and Up vectors at given latitude and longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
OutNorthEastDownVectors | The local vectors pointing North, pointing East, and toward the center of the Earth at the given latitude and longitude |
public static void CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees
Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi) |
public static void CalculatePsiThetaPhiDegreesFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees
Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in degrees with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollRadians | The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The rotation about the Z axis in degrees (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in degrees (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in degrees (Phi) |
public static void CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians
Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The degrees from North of the facing direction (heading), the degrees rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the degrees rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi) |
public static void CalculatePsiThetaPhiRadiansFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians
Calculates the DIS orientation values Psi, Theta, and Phi in radians with the given Heading, Pitch, and Roll in radians at the given Latitude and Longitude.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollRadians | The radians from North of the facing direction (heading), the radians rotated about the local Y axis (pitch), and the radians rotated about the local X axis (roll) |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The rotation about the Z axis in radians (Psi),the rotation about the Y axis in radians (Theta), the rotation about the X axis in radians (Phi) |
public static FMatrix ConvertNedAndEnu
FMatrix StartingVectors
Convert between North, East, Down and East, North, Up orientation representation using double values.
Parameter | Description |
StartingVectors | The matrix representation of the starting vectors (each vector is a column and the final vector is 0) |
Returns |
The resulting conversion of swapping the first two vectors and negating the third |
public static glm::dmat3 ConvertNedAndEnu
glm::dmat3 StartingVectors
Convert between North, East, Down and East, North, Up orientation representation using double values.
Parameter | Description |
StartingVectors | The matrix representation of the starting vectors (each vector is a column) |
Returns |
The resulting conversion of swapping the first two vectors and negating the last |
public static FMatrix CreatNCrossXMatrix
FVector NVector
Creates a 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix.
Parameter | Description |
NVector | A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation |
Returns |
A 4x4 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix |
public static glm::dmat3 CreateNCrossXMatrix
glm::dvec3 NVector
Creates a 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix
Parameter | Description |
NVector | A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation |
Returns |
A 3x3 n^x matrix used for creating a rotation matrix |
private static void CreateRotationMatrix
FVector AxisVector,
float ThetaRadians,
FMatrix& OutRotationMatrix
Creates a 4x4 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians.
Parameter | Description |
AxisVector | A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation |
ThetaRadians | The amount to rotate given in radians |
OutRotationMatrix | The resultant rotation matrix to rotate Theta radians around axis AxisVector |
private static void CreateRotationMatrix
glm::dvec3 AxisVector,
float ThetaRadians,
glm::dmat3& OutRotationMatrix
Creates a 3x3 rotation matrix around the given axis of rotation rotating by Theta radians.
Parameter | Description |
AxisVector | A 3x1 vector representing the axis of rotation |
ThetaRadians | The amount to rotate given in radians |
OutRotationMatrix | The resultant rotation matrix to rotate Theta radians around axis AxisVector |
public static void GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromNorthEastDownVectors
FNorthEastDown NorthEastDownVectors,
FEastNorthUp& EastNorthUpVectors
Get the East, North, and Up vectors from the North, East, and Down vector struct.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
NorthEastDownVectors | The North, East, and Down vectors representing the current orientation |
EastNorthUpVectors | The resulting East, North, and Up vectors representing the current orientation |
public static void GetEastNorthUpVectorsFromUnrealLocation
FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FEastNorthUp& EastNorthUpVectors
Gets the East, North, and Up vector representation of the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealLocation | The location in Unreal units |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
EastNorthUpVectors | The East, North, and Up vectors for the given Unreal location |
public static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnreal
const FRotator UnrealRotation,
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& EcefXYZ,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees
Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation in world space |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location in world space |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
EcefXYZ | The ECEF location of the given Unreal location |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees |
public static void GetEcefXYZAndPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnreal
const FRotator UnrealRotation,
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& EcefXYZ,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians
Gets the ECEF location and the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation in world space |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location in world space |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
EcefXYZ | The ECEF location of the given Unreal location |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians |
static void GetEcefXYZFromUnrealLocation
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat& ECEF
Calculate the ECEF location of the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location to convert to ECEF |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
ECEF | The ECEF location of the given Unreal location |
public static void GetHeadingPitchRollFromUnrealRotation
const FRotator UnrealRotation,
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FHeadingPitchRoll& HeadingPitchRollDegrees
Gets the Heading, Pitch, and Roll in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation in world space |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location in world space |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The heading from North, pitch, and roll in degrees |
public static void GetLatLonHeightFromUnrealLocation
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FLatLonHeightFloat& LatLonHeightDegreesMeters
Calculate the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters of the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location to convert to latitude, longitude, height |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
LatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters of the given Unreal location |
public static void GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromEastNorthUpVectors
FEastNorthUp EastNorthUpVectors,
FNorthEastDown& NorthEastDownVectors
Get the North, East, and Down vectors from the East, North, and Up vector struct.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
EastNorthUpVectors | The East, North, and Up vectors representing the current orientation |
NorthEastDownVectors | The resulting North, East, and Down vectors representing the current orientation |
public static void GetNorthEastDownVectorsFromUnrealLocation
FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FNorthEastDown& NorthEastDownVectors
Gets the North, East, and Down vector representation of the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealLocation | The location in Unreal units |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
NorthEastDownVectors | The North, East, and Down vectors for the given Unreal location |
public static void GetPsiThetaPhiDegreesFromUnrealRotation
const FRotator UnrealRotation, const FVector UnrealLocation, AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem, FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiDegrees
Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation in world space |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location in world space |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in degrees |
public static void GetPsiThetaPhiRadiansFromUnrealRotation
const FRotator UnrealRotation,
const FVector UnrealLocation,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FPsiThetaPhi& PsiThetaPhiRadians
Gets the Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians of the given Unreal rotation at the given Unreal location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation in world space |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location in world space |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), and Phi (Roll) in radians |
public static void GetUnrealLocationAndOrientationFromEntityStatePdu
const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FVector& UnrealLocation,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Gets the Unreal X, Y, Z coordinates and rotation from a DIS entity state PDU. Location values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing Subsystem is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
EntityStatePdu | The DIS PDU struct indicating the current state of the DIS entity |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealLocation | The location of the entity in Unreal |
UnrealRotation | The rotation of the entity in Unreal |
public static void GetUnrealLocationFromEcefXYZ
const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedDouble EcefXYZ,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FVector& UnrealLocation
Get the Unreal location from the given ECEF XYZ location.
Parameter | Description |
EcefXYZ | The ECEF XYZ location to get the Unreal location from |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location of the given ECEF XYZ location |
public static void GetUnrealLocationFromEcefXYZ
const FEarthCenteredEarthFixedFloat EcefXYZ,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FVector& UnrealLocation
Get the Unreal location from the given ECEF XYZ location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
EcefXYZ | The ECEF XYZ location to get the Unreal location from |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location of the given ECEF XYZ location |
public static void GetUnrealLocationFromEntityStatePdu
const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FVector& UnrealLocation
Gets the Unreal X, Y, Z coordinates of the entity from the given ECEF values in the DIS entity state pdu. Values returned change depending on if GeoReferencing Subsystem is set to Flat Earth or Round Earth.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
EntityStatePdu | The DIS PDU struct indicating the current state of the DIS entity |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealLocation | The resulting Unreal XYZ location of the entity in Unreal units |
public static void GetUnrealLocationFromLatLonHeight
const FLatLonHeightFloat LatLonHeightDegreesMeters,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FVector& UnrealLocation
Get the Unreal location from the given latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees, and height in meters location.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
LatLonHeightDegreesMeters | The LLH location to get the Unreal location from |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealLocation | The Unreal location of the given LLH location |
public static void GetUnrealRotationFromEntityStatePdu
const FEntityStatePDU EntityStatePdu,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Gets Unreal rotation from a DIS entity state PDU.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
EntityStatePdu | The DIS PDU struct indicating the current state of the DIS entity |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealRotation | The rotation of the entity in Unreal |
public static void GetUnrealRotationFromHeadingPitchRollDegreesAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Get the Unreal rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollDegrees | The Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in degrees to get the Unreal rotation from |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation of the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation |
public static void GetUnrealRotationFromHeadingPitchRollRadiansAtLatLon
const FHeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Get the Unreal rotation from the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
HeadingPitchRollRadians | The Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation in radians to get the Unreal rotation from |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation of the given Heading, Pitch, Roll rotation |
public static void GetUnrealRotationFromPsiThetaPhiDegreesAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiDegrees,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Get the Unreal rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiDegrees | The Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in degrees to get the Unreal rotation from |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation of the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation |
public static void GetUnrealRotationFromPsiThetaPhiRadiansAtLatLon
const FPsiThetaPhi PsiThetaPhiRadians,
const float LatitudeDegrees,
const float LongitudeDegrees,
AGeoReferencingSystem* GeoReferencingSystem,
FRotator& UnrealRotation
Get the Unreal rotation from the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
PsiThetaPhiRadians | The Psi, Theta, Phi rotation in radians to get the Unreal rotation from |
LatitudeDegrees | The target latitude given in degrees |
LongitudeDegrees | The target longitude given in degrees |
GeoReferencingSystem | The GeoReferencing Subsystem reference |
UnrealRotation | The Unreal rotation of the given Psi, Theta, Phi rotation |
public static void RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees
FVector VectorToRotate,
float ThetaDegrees,
FVector AxisVector,
FVector& OutRotatedVector
Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees.
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
VectorToRotate | The target vector to rotate |
ThetaDegrees | The desired amount to rotation in degrees |
AxisVector | The vector indicating the axis of rotation |
OutRotatedVector | The resultant rotated vector |
public static void RotateVectorAroundAxisByDegrees
glm::dvec3 VectorToRotate,
float ThetaDegrees,
glm::dvec3 AxisVector,
glm::dvec3& OutRotatedVector
Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta degrees
Parameter | Description |
VectorToRotate | The target vector to rotate |
ThetaDegrees | The desired amount to rotation in degrees |
AxisVector | The vector indicating the axis of rotation |
OutRotatedVector | The resultant rotated vector |
public static void RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians
FVector VectorToRotate,
float ThetaRadians,
FVector AxisVector,
FVector& OutRotatedVector
Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians
Category: GRILL DIS|Unit Conversions
Parameter | Description |
VectorToRotate | The target vector to rotate |
ThetaRadians | The desired amount to rotation in radians |
AxisVector | The vector indicating the axis of rotation |
OutRotatedVector | The resultant rotated vector |
public static void RotateVectorAroundAxisByRadians
glm::dvec3 VectorToRotate,
double ThetaRadians,
glm::dvec3 AxisVector,
glm::dvec3& OutRotatedVector
Rotates the vector VectorToRotate around given axis AxisVector by Theta radians.
Parameter | Description |
VectorToRotate | The target vector to rotate |
ThetaRadians | The desired amount to rotation in radians |
AxisVector | The vector indicating the axis of rotation |
OutRotatedVector | The resultant rotated vector |