A demonstration of the GreenWall add-on communication API.
This add-on is a simple add-on which provides an example of the messaging API provided by GreenWall in versions 1.7 and later. GreenWall is an add-on which bridges the guild chat of multiple guilds (or guild confederations) so that they appear to share the same guild chat.
GWSonar alows a user to send a hidden request message to other members of the confederation. Other instances of the add-on will respond and the requesting can view response time metrics.
This add-on shows how third-party add-on developers can use the communication bridging for building other distributed applications for guild confederations.
- Download the compressed distribution file.
- Close World of Warcaft.
- Extract the contents of the file and place them in the World of Warcraft AddOns directory.
- On Windows,
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
orC:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
. - On OSX,
~/Applications/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons
- Launch World of Warcraft.
- Click the AddOns button on the character selection screen.
- Enable the add-on for your character.
/gwsonar ping
Send a request message to other GWSonar users within the guild confederation.
/gwsonar stats
View response time statistics for the last ping.
Mark Rogaski <[email protected]>