Using Tensorflow creating a handwritten digit recognizer So using the tensorflow and the keras API installed in i have created this handwritten digit recognizer it consists of creating the sets of data from the data set being downloaded into it then the next step involves creating the layers
- Flatten layer- i have added this layer because here in this model the whole image is being sent as one unit into the input of 28*28 units
- Dense layer is for the operation of input and ouput
- Dropout layer is used for solving the problem of overfitting as my model was facing that issue
- Dense layer is using the softmax function here which gives us the probability here
- The model using the adam compiler and the loss function as sparse_categorical_crossentropy
- Epoch = number of repetitions on the set of data
- Validation split = to validate the training a fractional amount of data is specified for validation
- Batchsize =to divide the data in a significant amount of batches
- Verbose = to define the representation of training
- Data and its labels were the first two ones
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