The instructions are here.
Code for the paper: The Monte Carlo Transformer: a stochastic self-attention model for sequence prediction
The libraries needed to run the code are provided in the file requirements.txt.
- To run all the scripts from the origin repo (SMC-T-v2), run first the following command line:
python src/preprocessing/ -model 1 -num_samples 1000 -seq_len 24 -num_features 1
python src/preprocessing/ -model 1 -num_samples 1000 -seq_len 24 -num_features 1 -variance 0.00001
python src/preprocessing/ -model 2 -alpha 0.9 -variance 0.3 -num_samples 1000 -seq_len 24 -num_features 1
python src/preprocessing/ -model 2 -alpha 0.9 -variance 0.00001 -num_samples 1000 -seq_len 24 -num_features 1
python src/preprocessing/ -num_samples 1000 -seq_len 25
- To preprocess all the real-world datasets, please run:
- python src/scripts/ -dataset "synthetic" -dataset "synthetic" -dataset_model 1 -data_path "../../data/synthetic_model_1" -algo "lstm" -rnn_units 32 -p_drop 0.1 -rnn_drop 0.1 -bs 32 -ep 50 -output_path "exp_synthetic_model_1"
- python src/scripts/ -dataset "synthetic" -dataset_model 1 -data_path "../../data/synthetic_model_1" -algo "baseline_t" -d_model 8 -dff 8 -pe 50 -bs 32 -ep 50 -output_path "exp_synthetic_model_1"`
- python src/scripts/ -dataset "synthetic" -dataset_model 1 -data_path "data/synthetic_model_1" -algo "bayesian_lstm" -rnn_units 32 -bs 32 -ep 150 -output_path "output/exp_synthetic_model_1" -mc_samples 1000 -particles 3 -cv 1
- python src/scripts/ -dataset "synthetic" -dataset_model 1 -data_path "../../data/synthetic_model_1" -algo "smc_t" -d_model 8 -dff 8 -bs 32 -ep 50 -smc False -output_path "exp_synthetic_model_1"
- python src/scripts/ -dataset "synthetic" -dataset_model 1 -data_path "../../data/synthetic_model_1" -algo "smc_t" -d_model 8 -dff 8 -bs 32 -ep 50 -particles 10 -smc True -output_path "exp_synthetic_model_1"
Examples of sh scripts are provided in the scripts/sh folder.