LLEPE (Liquid-Liquid Extraction Parameter Estimator) is a toolkit for estimating standard thermodynamic parameters for Gibbs minimization.
To install llepe, clone the repository with the command
$ git clone https://github.com/ANL-CEEESA/LLEPE.git
Navigate into the LLEPE folder with
and run the command below in your terminal
$ pip install -e.
For docs and tests, run
$ pip install -e .[docs,tests]
llepe uses packages: cantera (https://cantera.org/), pandas, numpy, scipy, xml, seaborn, and matplotlib
Check out examples in docs/_Examples
from llepe import LLEPE
opt_dict = {'Nd(H(A)2)3(org)_h0': {'upper_element_name': 'species',
'upper_attrib_name': 'name',
'upper_attrib_value': 'Nd(H(A)2)3(org)',
'lower_element_name': 'h0',
'lower_attrib_name': None,
'lower_attrib_value': None,
'input_format': '{0}',
'input_value': -4.7e6}}
searcher_parameters = {'exp_data': 'Nd_exp_data.csv',
'phases_xml_filename': 'twophase.xml',
'opt_dict': opt_dict,
'phase_names': ['HCl_electrolyte', 'PC88A_liquid'],
'aq_solvent_name': 'H2O(L)',
'extractant_name': '(HA)2(org)',
'diluant_name': 'dodecane',
'complex_names': ['Nd(H(A)2)3(org)'],
'extracted_species_ion_names': ['Nd+++'],
'aq_solvent_rho': 1000.0,
'extractant_rho': 960.0,
'diluant_rho': 750.0}
searcher = LLEPE(**searcher_parameters)
est_enthalpy = searcher.fit()
Readthedocs documentation are here: https://llepe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
Based upon work supported by funding from Argonne National Laboratory provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357
If you use LLEPE in your research , we kindly request that you cite the package as follows:
T. Quah and C. O. Iloeje, “Liquid--Liquid Extraction Thermodynamic Parameter Estimator (LLEPE) for Multicomponent Separation Systems,” in Materials Processing Fundamentals 2021, 2021, pp. 107–120, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65253-1_9.