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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🔥 breaking change
🔥 breaking change
Breaking current consumers (API, building,...)
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
🏗️ build
🏗️ build
Build system related
🧱 CI
🧱 CI
CI run related (bug, new feature,...)
📦 dependency
📦 dependency
Dependency related (update, missing,...)
🧾 docs
🧾 docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
✨ feature
✨ feature
New feature or request
💚 improvement
💚 improvement
Enhancing an existing feature
🙃 invalid
🙃 invalid
Not relevant / duplicate / not properly formatted
🔐 IT Security
🔐 IT Security
✍️ needs documentation
✍️ needs documentation
Done, but needs documentation
🕵️‍♀️ needs investigation
🕵️‍♀️ needs investigation
Not 100% sure, if or how this is done
🦺 other work
🦺 other work
Not investigated / not related
🎁 packaging
🎁 packaging
Packaging related (rpm, conan,...)
priority: ⚠️ critical
priority: ⚠️ critical
priority: ☝️ high
priority: ☝️ high
priority: 👇 low
priority: 👇 low
state: 🛑 blocked
state: 🛑 blocked
Work won't be continued
state: ✅ done
state: ✅ done
Finished & Reviewed
state: 👷🏻 in development
state: 👷🏻 in development
Currently worked on
state: ⏱️ planning
state: ⏱️ planning
is in planning
state: 👁️ review
state: 👁️ review
Ready for review
state: 🛠️work
state: 🛠️work
There is work to do here