In this lab you will use P5's graphics functions to depict a Kawaii character. The most familiar Kawaii character may be Hello Kitty.
Use the instructions below as a guide in designing your own Kawaii character. You will find the rect(), circle() and arc() functions useful. Note that you can used arc() to make pie shapes. You may also want to look at the full list of functions at
Submit the URL for your finished project to Google Classroom.
Here's a basic figure with arms straight at the side.
Notice that we are using rectMode(CENTER)
so the left arm is centered at (125,300). Rotations are always about the origin, so we first need to translate(125,300)
to move the origin to the center of the left arm. Then we can rotate(.1)
to rotate the left arm a small amount in the clockwise direction and draw the arm at the new origin (0,0). After draw the left arm, we need to "un-rotate" and "un-translate" in reverse order so that the rest of the drawing is unaffected.
This lab was adapted from Chris Barrious' Kawaii Character Assignment