"Mon Réseau Mobile" is an interactive mapping platform allowing to compare coverage maps and quality of service tests of mobile telecommunication networks on the French territory. The site is developed and maintained by the Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse (Arcep). It is available at monreseaumobile.arcep.fr.
We used :
- MapBox for the cartography,
- highcharts for charts,
- jquery.
The site uses HTML5, so clients navigators have to be compatible, but also with MapBox which is more restrictive. The following is a list of browsers that are compatible with Mapbox : MapBox Browser support
The site relies on
- the MBTiles format for coverage data
- the GeoJSON format for Quality of Service measures.
All the data used by this application are available in free access on the open data platform of the French State at this address : https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/mon-reseau-mobile/