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Setting up your development environment (PBOProject)

Freddo edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 1 revision

Setting up Arma 3 Tools, P-drive and Mikero's tools.

  1. Install Arma 3 Tools via steam
  2. Launch Arma 3 tools, go to preferences > Options.
  3. Uncheck "Use Default" on both Arma 3 directory and Path to your P-Drive
  4. Point Path to Arma 3 directory to your Arma 3 install directory.
  5. Point Path to your P-Drive to an easily accessible folder, ideally similar to D:\P-Drive. Make sure the drive has at least 50 GB space.
  6. Press Register. Optionally enable preferences > Mount P Drive on startup
  7. Press Mount the Project Drive. Your P-drive should now appear if you reopen file explorer.
  8. Download and run all installer.exe files from here.
  9. Open Command Prompt and enter arma3p. This should prompt you with "enter drive to extact to", enter P
  10. You should then be prompted with "full extraction invluding layers, dubbing and missions [Y,N]", enter Y
  11. Arma 3 source files should now be extracted to your P-drive. This may take a while.

Setting up Github repositories with Gitkraken

  1. Download and install GitKraken GIT GUI from here.
  2. Open GitKraken and select File > Clone Repo, select Clone with URL, select an easily accessible directory to clone to not on your P-drive. Enter as the URL and press Clone the repo!. This will download CBA source.
  3. Open command prompt as administrator.
  4. Enter mkdir "P:\x\
  5. Enter mklink /J "P:\x\cba" "path to cba directory generated in stage 2"
  6. At the top right of this webpage, press Fork. This will create a new personal repo for you where you will contribute from, your "fork".
  7. Open GitKraken, select File > Clone Repo, select and log in with your github account.
  8. Select the same directory to clone to as in Stage 2.
  9. In Repository to clone select arc_misc under your account name. Press Clone the repo. This will install your own repository of arc_misc
  10. On the left side in GitKraken, hover over REMOTE and press the + button that appears. Under GitHub Repo select ARCOMM/arc_misc. Under name enter upstream. Press Add Remote.
  11. Open command prompt as administrator.
  12. Enter mklink /J "P:\x\arc_misc" "path to arc_misc directory generated in stage 9"

Compiling the repository

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Enter pboproject
  3. Press Setup, remove *.hpp from Exclude From Pbo. Press OK.
  4. In Mod Folder Output... enter directory to output to, for example P:\built\@ARC_Misc
  5. In Source Folder... enter P:\x\arc_misc
  6. Press Crunch
  7. Packed PBO files should now be present in the directory mentioned in Stage 3. If not, press View Output(s) to view errors.
  8. You can now run this directory as a mod by adding -mod=P:\built\@ARC_Misc. Make sure to disable the version otherwise provided by the modpack to avoid duplicates.