Hi, my name is Arnav Talwani, and I'm a student in the Engineering Science program at the University of Toronto, majoring in Biomedical Systems Engineering and minoring in both Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Robotics & Mechatronics. I see the world in an interconnected, multi-disciplinary lens where everything in connected, and I love exploring these connections. For this reason, I don't hold myself from learning about any specific discipline, but currently I'm passionate about applying the principles of Systems Engineering to biomedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics, and everything in between.
I also love acting, film, music production, and am a tech enthusiast. I'm as creative as I am technical and work best at combining these two approaches to problem-solving. In my spare time, I also engage in advocacy work, holding the positions of U-Report Ambassador and Youth Advocate with UNICEF Canada, and I also promote safety in the community through martial arts, myself holding a green belt in Okinawan Goju-ryu karate.
You can reach me at the social media and Linktree in my profile, and you can explore more of my professional work at the links below:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnavtalwani/
Devpost: https://devpost.com/arnav416/