The AVERT System is a collection of hardware, software, and utilities for a rugged, near-real-time field instrumentation platform.
The primary aim of the AVERT (Anticipating Volcanic Eruptions in Real-Time) project, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, has been to design, fabricate, and field test a rugged instrument platform capable of providing near-real-time data telemetry from a wide range of instruments in remote volcanic environments. Field tests of the platform have been conducted in collaboration with the Alaska Volcano Observatory (targeting Okmok and Cleveland volcanoes) and the Observatorio Vulcanológico y Seismológico de Costa Rica (targeting Poás volcano). Open, continuous data-streams in place before volcanic eruptions promise to revolutionize the field of volcanology by first increasing scientific understanding of eruptions and then driving the development of forecasts that are timely within the hours to months of “run-up” to eruptions, and improving forecasts as real-time data streams in.
Documentation for the AVERT System products is hosted here.
A companion paper detailing the system design and field testing is in preparation.
Any comments/questions can be directed to:
- Conor Bacon - cbacon [ at ]
All AVERT products are free and open source, distributed under the GPLv3 License. Please see the LICENSE files within the relevant repository for a complete description of the rights and freedoms that this provides the user.