Home Assistant utility library and command line interface
NOTE: This is a work in progress ymmv. Currently it's working in my very limited testing and uses the Server Sent Events interface Home Assistant surfaces along with the REST api.
- Install the module
npm install -g node-home-assistant
- Add an environment variable with your Home Assistant URL and Password exported as
- Run
ha history
as a quick test - See other commands and examples by running
with no other options - The command line tool surfaces a lot of the defaults and configuration via environment variables, checkout
for a listing
$ ha
Usage: ha [cmd]
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --version get version
-d, --debug output debug messages
-u, --url <url> home assistant url
-p, --password <password> home assistant password
-h, --help output usage information
history [options] Get history, defaults to all history from past hour
states [options] Get list of all known states, returns only the list of entity_ids with states
entities [options] Get list of all known entities, returns only the list of entity_ids
dashboard [options] Display a dashboard that is updated with state data as events occur
service <domain> <service> [data] Calls home assistant service with data provided, outputs the response body from home assistant
show [options] <entity|entities> [entity_id] Get all details of one or more home assistant entities, returns only JSON object. If no entity is found JSON object will be empty, no error will be thrown
* History:
$ ha history --pretty --relative-dates
$ ha history --entity_id binary_sensor.motion_office_motion
$ ha history --include office --exclude group --pretty
$ ha history --include '(office|livingroom)' --exclude '(sensor|group)' --pretty
$ ha history --from "3 days ago" --to "2 days ago"
$ ha history -i '(office|bedroom)' -e '(^sensor|device_tracker|group)' -f '1 day ago' --pretty
* States:
$ ha states
$ ha states --pretty --relative-dates
$ ha states -i '^sensor' -e '_motion$|transmission|pihole'
* Entities:
$ ha entities
$ ha entities --pretty
$ ha entities --include '^sensor' --exclude '_motion$|transmission|pihole'
* Entity Details:
$ ha show entities
$ ha show entities group.all_switches
$ ha show entities --include sensor
* Calling Services
$ ha service light turn_on '{ "entity_id": "light.garage_hue_room" }'
$ ha service light turn_off '{ "entity_id": "light.garage_hue_room" }'
$ ha service light turn_off
* Dashboard:
$ ha dashboard
$ ha dashboard --include '^sensor' --exclude '_motion$|transmission|pihole'
- Install module locally
npm install --save node-home-assistant
- Check out the
directory in this project which shows some usage of the API and Events listener interfaces - Quick example below:
const HomeAssistant = require('node-home-assistant');
const config = {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8123',
apiPass: 'supersecretpassword'
const homeAssistant = new HomeAssistant(config, { startListening: true });
// Call a service with domain, service, data
homeAssistant.api.callService('light', 'turn_off', { entity_id: 'light.office_hue_room' })
.then(res => console.log('Light switched off', res))
.catch(e => console.log(e));
// Events by event_type as sent by home assistant ('state_changed' and 'service_executed' from home assistant below)
homeAssistant.events.on('ha_events:state_changed', (evt) => console.log(`(ha_events:state_changed) ${JSON.stringify(evt)}`));
- CLI option to call service
- More tests
- Finish CLI Dashboard
- Update API to use new home assistant authentication methods