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Merge pull request #266 from AaltoSciComp/rkdarst/pandas-revisions
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content/pandas: Basic revision, no major changes.
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bast authored Nov 5, 2023
2 parents e83d0a9 + 4258754 commit fe61dcf
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 30 deletions.
79 changes: 49 additions & 30 deletions content/pandas.rst
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Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ material, including:
- a `cheatsheet <>`__
- a `cookbook <>`__.

Let's get a flavor of what we can do with pandas. We will be working with an
example dataset containing the passenger list from the Titanic, which is often used in Kaggle competitions and data science tutorials. First step is to load pandas::
A quick Pandas preview

Let's get a flavor of what we can do with pandas (you won't be able to follow everything yet). We will be working with an example dataset containing the passenger list from the Titanic, which is often used in Kaggle competitions and data science tutorials. First step is to load pandas::

import pandas as pd

Expand All @@ -48,6 +50,8 @@ print some summary statistics of its numerical data::
# print the first 5 lines of the dataframe


# print summary statistics for each column

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ Clearly, pandas dataframes allows us to do advanced analysis with very few comma
- Write a function name followed by question mark and execute the cell, e.g.
write ``titanic.hist?`` and hit ``SHIFT + ENTER``.
- Write the function name and hit ``SHIFT + TAB``.
- Right click and select "Show contextual help". This tab will
update with help for anything you click.

What's in a dataframe?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +118,10 @@ and reading the titanic.csv datafile into a dataframe if needed, see above)::

titanic.Age # same as above


type(titanic["Age"]) # a pandas Series object

The columns have names. Here's how to get them (:attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.columns`)::

Expand All @@ -123,10 +132,11 @@ However, the rows also have names! This is what Pandas calls the :obj:`~pandas.D

We saw above how to select a single column, but there are many ways of
selecting (and setting) single or multiple rows, columns and values. We can
refer to columns and rows either by number or by their name
(:attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.loc`, :attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.iloc`,
:attr:``, :attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.iat`)::
selecting (and setting) single or multiple rows, columns and
values. We can refer to columns and rows either by their name
(:attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.loc`, :attr:``) or by
their index (:attr:`~pandas.DataFrame.iloc`,

titanic.loc['Lam, Mr. Ali',"Age"] # select single value by row and column
titanic.loc[:'Lam, Mr. Ali',"Survived":"Age"] # slice the dataframe by row and column *names*
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ Exercises 1


titanic[titanic["Age"] < titanic["Age"].mean()]["Survived"].mean()
titanic[titanic["Age"] < titanic["Age"].mean()]["Survived"].mean()

Tidy data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,10 +263,12 @@ Pandas also understands multiple other formats, for example using :obj:`~pandas.

But sometimes you would want to create a dataframe from scratch. Also this can be done
in multiple ways, for example starting with a numpy array (see
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` docs::
:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` docs)::

import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('20130101', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD'))

or a dictionary (see same docs)::

Expand All @@ -265,6 +277,7 @@ or a dictionary (see same docs)::
'C': np.array([3] * 8, dtype='int32'),
'D': np.random.randn(8),
'E': np.random.randn(8)})

There are many ways to operate on dataframes. Let's look at a
few examples in order to get a feeling of what's possible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,13 +360,13 @@ Exercises 2
``read_csv``, so we use :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.index` to get
the names. So, names of members of largest family(ies)::

titanic[titanic["SibSp"] == 8].index
titanic[titanic["SibSp"] == 8].index

- Histogram of family size based on fare class::

lambda x: "Poor" if titanic["Fare"].loc[x] < titanic["Fare"].mean() else "Rich",
lambda x: "Poor" if titanic["Fare"].loc[x] < titanic["Fare"].mean() else "Rich",

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,7 +471,7 @@ Exercises 3

- Play around with other nice looking plots::

sns.violinplot(y="year", x="bornCountry", inner="stick", data=subset);
sns.violinplot(y=subset["year"].dt.year, x="bornCountry", inner="stick", data=subset);


Expand All @@ -476,12 +489,15 @@ Exercises 3

.. solution::

Below is solutions for the basic steps, advanced steps are
inline above.

We use the :meth:`describe` method:


# count 956
# count 956
# unique 81
# top US
# freq 287
Expand All @@ -504,14 +520,15 @@ Exercises 3
We can print names of all laureates from a given country, e.g.::

nobel[nobel["country"] == "Sweden"].loc[:, "firstname":"surname"]

Beyond the basics

Larger DataFrame operations might be faster using :func:`~pandas.eval` with string expressions, `see

import pandas as pd
# Make some really big dataframes
nrows, ncols = 100000, 100
rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
df1, df2, df3, df4 = (pd.DataFrame(rng.rand(nrows, ncols))
Expand All @@ -521,17 +538,17 @@ Adding dataframes the pythonic way yields::

%timeit df1 + df2 + df3 + df4
# 80ms

And by using :func:`~pandas.eval`::

%timeit pd.eval('df1 + df2 + df3 + df4')
%timeit pd.eval('df1 + df2 + df3 + df4')
# 40ms

We can assign function return lists as dataframe columns::

def fibo(n):
"""Compute Fibonacci numbers. Here we skip the overhead from the
"""Compute Fibonacci numbers. Here we skip the overhead from the
recursive function calls by using a list. """
if n < 0:
raise NotImplementedError('Not defined for negative values')
Expand All @@ -545,12 +562,14 @@ We can assign function return lists as dataframe columns::
return memo

df = pd.DataFrame({'Generation': np.arange(100)})
df['Number of Rabbits'] = fibo(99)
df['Number of Rabbits'] = fibo(99) # Assigns list to column

There is much more to Pandas than what we covered in this lesson. Whatever your
needs are, chances are good there is a function somewhere in its `API
<>`__. And when there is not, you can always
<>`__. You should try to get good at
searching the web for an example showing what you can do. And when
there is not, you can always
apply your own functions to the data using :obj:`~pandas.DataFrame.apply`::

Expand All @@ -569,10 +588,10 @@ apply your own functions to the data using :obj:`~pandas.DataFrame.apply`::

df = pd.DataFrame({'Generation': np.arange(100)})
df['Number of Rabbits'] = df['Generation'].apply(fib)
Note that the numpy precisision for integers caps at int64 while python ints are unbounded --
limited by memory size. Thus, the result from fibonacci(99) would be erroneous when

Note that the numpy precisision for integers caps at int64 while python ints are unbounded --
limited by memory size. Thus, the result from fibonacci(99) would be erroneous when
using numpy ints. The type of df['Number of Rabbits'][99] given by both functions above
is in fact <class 'int'>.

Expand Down

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