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Social Networking Project 💫

This is a Django-based API for a social networking application, which includes functionalities like user login/signup, searching users, sending/accepting/rejecting friend requests, and more. The project is set up with Docker for easy deployment and environment management.


  • User Management: User registration and authentication.
  • Friend Requests: Send, accept, reject friend requests.
  • User Search: Search users by email or name with pagination.
  • Friend List: View accepted friends and pending requests.
  • Database: Postgres used for persistent storage.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Python 3.x (if running locally without Docker)

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

$ git clone
$ cd social-networking-project

Local Development 😉

If you prefer to run the project locally without Docker:

1. Create the virtualenv and install the requirements:

The local virtual env must then be created. You could wonder "is a virtual environment is necessary? " because we're using Docker. The answer is YES since there may be times when you wish to test your project locally without using Docker, and venv will accelerate our procedure at those times. As a result, let's create the .venv.

  • make sure our working directory would be the social-netowrking-project and branch would be the main
    • $ python -m venv social-network-env
  • Activate the .venv
    • source ./social-network-env/bin/activate
  • Navigate to the project directory and install the requirements
    • (.social-network-env) my_system/social-networking-project (main) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Set Up the Database:

Make sure you have a postgres server running locally and create a database for the project. Update the .env file with your local database credentials.

3. Run Migrations:

  • $ python migrate

4. Create .env based on environment:

We have to create the .env at our project level as all the credentials and configuration will defined into .env file. With help of environ package python will load it and use it. this .env is use in docker as well. Following table contains all the configuration with optional flag, default value, docker required variables, project required variables.

Variable Name Optional Default Value Docker Project
POSTGRES_DB NO [Yes] in postgres container required [Yes] for connecting to database
HOST NO postgres_db [Yes] in docker db service itself host [Yes] for connectiong to db service
POSTGRES_USER NO postgres [Yes] postgres image need required [Yes] for connecting to database
POSTGRES_PASSWORD NO postgres [Yes] postgres image need required [Yes] for connecting to database
PORT NO 5432 [Yes] postgres image need required [Yes] for connecting to database

5. Run the Server:

  • $ python runserver

Docker Setup 🐋

1. Install the docker and docker-compose according to your OS

2. Run the project in docker container:

Now we are going to build the docker image and running the docker-compose service into detached mode it will may take time if predefined image not found like postgres, python etc.

  • following command will create the container from services that are defined in docker-compose.yaml file.
    • $ docker-compose up --build -d
    • up will create and run the container
    • --build will build the docker image if found within the services which are listed in docker-compose.yaml file.
    • -d run docker container in detached mode(in background)
  • Check is container are runnning in background and hit the localhost
    • $ docker ps


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