A Jekyll based CV page generator based on the user profile page on Nerdability.
To make your own GitHub hosted CV:
- Fork this repo into your github account
- Click the "Settings" button in your new forked repository (in the menu on the right), and change the repository's name to {{yourusername}}.github.io, replacing yourusername with your GitHub user name.
- Update /_config.yml with the details of your CV - the comments will explain what is required
- Visit https://{{yourusername}}.github.io to check it out
- Share your new CV/Profile with the world!
If you want to test it locally, install Ruby & Jekyll, clone the repository locally and run jekyll serve
from the repo root directoy. Then access your web page with Server address:
If you want to host the page on your own web hosting, you will need to run it locally and jekyll will build the site files to the /_site directory which you can then push to your hosting provider - See https://jekyllrb.com/ for details.