A Flutter project that implements the "Nominal Group" technique. This technique is used for various situations when working with teams during discussions, brainstorming, and ideation processes.
- Some group members are much more vocal than others
- Some group members think better in silence
- There is concern about some members not participating
- The group does not easily generate quantities of ideas
- Some or all group members are new to the team
- The issue is controversial or there is a heated conflict between team members
- Stating the problem/discussion topic
- Each team member thinks about solutions/ideas/etc
- Each one adds his solution/idea to a piece of paper
- The organizer takes all papers and opens the discussion for each one as follows
- Each one tells his opinion/comment one by one without any interruptions
- After all team members have finished, each one of the team sets a score for each idea/votes for each idea with yes or no
- Then the organizer takes the results and tells the solution with the highest score
- Each user can join/create as many teams as he wants
- Create a team by adding team's name and team's username
- Join the team by using the team's username
- User can navigate between teams
- Available info for all team members:
- Insights about the team (number of approved, declined, and pending suggestions)
- Team name
- Team members
- Features based on member's role:
- If the user is the team owner (the one who has created the team) he can change the team's name or delete the entire team
- If the user is not the owner of the team he can leave the team whenever he wants
- Whenever a new suggestion or a new comment has been added a notification will be sent to all team members
- When clicking on a notification the user will be sent to its source
- All suggestions in a specific team
- Add a new suggestion
- Adds a title for the suggestion
- Add a description for the suggestion
- Filter the suggestions listed on the home page to see either:
- Approved suggestions
- Declined suggestions
- Pending Suggestions
- Button on the top left of the header bar to refresh the team's data when clicked
- Up/down button to vote
- Add a comment on the suggestion
- Each user can add one comment and able to edit it 3 times
- After 3 days of adding the suggestion the system will evaluate the ups and downs and either set the suggestion as approved or declined
- Scoring feature for the suggestion
- The ability to add links and attachments (image, video) to the suggestion
- The owner can add members by using the member's email/username
- A notification sent to the user when getting an invite from someone to join a team
- Change the user's name
- Reset account password
The app has an Android version and a web version You can try the Nominal Group App web version here: https://nominal-group-app.web.app/)https://nominal-group-app.web.app/
And you can try the Android version here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dEE7P25QwNK8rFrfPkmLec1yvETZxPdW/view?usp=sharing)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dEE7P25QwNK8rFrfPkmLec1yvETZxPdW/view?usp=sharing