I am website developer and programmer. I'm always eager to learn new things. I thrive on problem-solving and enjoy bringing ideas to life through websites. I'm dedicated to continuously refining both my technical and creative skills to deliver outstanding web solutions. I believe that effective websites can enhance productivity and help more people solve their problems.
From: 29 December 2023 - To: 14 March 2025
Total Time: 1,276 hrs 56 mins
Go 407 hrs 24 mins >>>>>>>>----------------- 31.61 %
JavaScript 346 hrs 21 mins >>>>>>>------------------ 26.87 %
PHP 129 hrs 59 mins >>>---------------------- 10.08 %
TypeScript 55 hrs 56 mins >------------------------ 04.34 %
Blade Template 50 hrs 32 mins >------------------------ 03.92 %
Markdown 39 hrs 14 mins >------------------------ 03.04 %
Bash 31 hrs 52 mins >------------------------ 02.47 %
SQL 25 hrs 34 mins ------------------------- 01.98 %
Docker 22 hrs 57 mins ------------------------- 01.78 %