GoogleLens is a Python library that allows you to perform image searches using Google Lens. You can upload images via URLs, file paths, or binary data and retrieve visual match results.
You can install the library via pip:
pip install GoogleLens
- Upload images from a URL, file path, or binary data.
- Extract raw text or structured visual match data from the Google Lens response.
- Retrieve the main and similar visual match results, including titles, thumbnails, and page URLs.
from googlelens import GoogleLens
# Initialize GoogleLens instance
lens = GoogleLens()
# Upload image from URL
url = ""
result_url = lens.upload_image(url)
# Extract and print visual match results
print("Results from URL search:")
from googlelens import GoogleLens
# Initialize GoogleLens instance
lens = GoogleLens()
# Upload image from a file path
file_path = "path/to/sample-image.jpg"
result_file = lens.upload_image(file_path)
# Extract and print visual match results
print("Results from file search:")
from googlelens import GoogleLens
# Initialize GoogleLens instance
lens = GoogleLens()
# Read image as bytes
with open("path/to/sample-image.jpg", "rb") as f:
image_bytes =
# Upload image using bytes
result_bytes = lens.upload_image(image_bytes)
# Extract and print visual match results
print("Results from bytes search:")
You can also extract raw text from the Google Lens results, if available:
# Extract raw text from the Google Lens response
raw_text = result_url.extract_raw_text()
print("Raw text extracted from the response:")
Main class to interact with Google Lens.
upload_image(image_input: Union[str, bytes]) -> GoogleLensResults
- Uploads an image to Google Lens and returns the search results.
: Can be a URL (str), file path (str), or binary data (bytes).
Handles the parsing and extraction of useful data from the Google Lens response.
extract_visual_results() -> Dict[str, Union[None, Dict[str, str], List[Dict[str, str]]]]
- Extracts the visual match results including the main match and a list of similar matches.
extract_raw_text() -> List[str]
- Extracts raw text from the Google Lens response, if available.
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. Contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.