Releases: Abyss-Seeker/D-vidlization
We are honored to pronounce the completion of the first, working version!
In this version, we merged all the widgets and partially added some help functions. There is still a long way to go, but this is enough for basic usage.
Oh where did 0.3.0 go? Unimportant, I just skipped it lol.
Major update! Added bilibili / youtube audio crawling function! Access it via the more widgets part in your menu in
Yeah, it's quite quick right :)
We now added a quite simple GUI. There are still some bugs but hopefully it is easier to use! (maybe)
This is a pre-release. You may be noticing that the GUI is quite empty and there are lots of functions yet to be added. Just wait for it 😆
Thank you! wwwwww
This is the prototype of our code! I'm just uploading it as a backup. It has a basic feature of extracting audio but no GUI and nothing else.
Full Changelog: