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JSON HTTP Access Log - Starlette/FastAPI Middleware


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Jhalog (JSON HTTP Access Log) - Starlette/FastAPI middleware

Starlette/FastAPI middleware to add Jhalog (JSON HTTP Access Logs) access log on each request.

This middleware is intended to be easy to use and powerful.

Easy to use:

  • Integration boilerplate reduced to the minimum.
  • Automatically handle common tasks for you:
    • Automatic request ID generation (and X-Request-ID headers).
    • Autofill common log event fields like client_user_agent and client_ip.
    • Request timeout.
    • Unhandled exception handler with proper return code.


  • Easy modification the log event fields from anywhere in the route code.
  • Support all logging backends from Jhalog-Python (Like Python standard library logging, AWS Cloudwatch Logs, ...)
  • Log events flushing is done in background, there is almost no extra overhead on the requests itself.



The middleware library is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip as follows:

pip install starlette_jhalog

# Eventually, also install the required backend with the Jhalog library
pip install jhalog[cloudwatch_logs]

Integration with the Starlette/FastAPI application

To integrate the middleware, just initialize the starlette_jhalog.JhalogMiddleware after you Starlette/FastAPI application creation and all other event handlers and middlewares registration:

import fastapi
import starlette_jhalog

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

async def startup():
    """Initialize database connection."""
    # [...]

async def shutdown():
    """Terminate database connection."""
    # [...]

# Middleware creation. Require to be initialized after all "@app.on_event()"

Note: The order is important because, the middleware register itself with some event handlers to the application and ensure that:

  • The logging backend is started before all startup event handlers.
  • The startup log event is emitted after all startup event handlers.
  • The shutdown log event is emitted after all shutdown event handlers.
  • The logging backend is properly terminated and all log event flushed before terminating the application.

The middleware is ready and the logging is enabled on all requests.

Middleware parameters

In addition to the Starlette/FastAPI Application, the middleware supports various optional parameters:

  • backend: By default, the logging standard library is used as backend, but it is possible to use any backend supported by the Jhalog library.
  • forward_request_id: If set to True (The default), use the request X-request-ID header value as id log event field is any. Else generate a id normally. Disabling the request ID forwarding can be helpful on public servers to keep control on the value.
  • ignore_paths: Paths to ignore in logs. Event logs are not emitted at all for these paths. This can be used, for instance, to ignore health check from a load balancer and reduce the total of emitted log events (That may have cost impact in Cloud environments).
  • ip_addresses_allowed: If set to True, allow IP addresses in log events. This allows the middleware to set the client_ip field. Default to False for privacy compliance.
  • request_timeout: Request timeout in seconds. 0 to disable timeout. Default to 50 seconds.
  • server_version: Value to set to the server_version field in the startup log event. The value should be the version of your application.

In addition, all parameters from the jhalog.AsyncLogger class are supported, including backend specific parameters.

Log events details

Access log event

Automatic generated for each request, with following fields:

  • client_ip: The client IP address. Added only if ip_addresses_allowed=True is passed on middleware creation. If the Uvicorn uvicorn.middleware.proxy_headers.ProxyHeadersMiddleware is installed the X-Forwarded-For request header will be properly handled.
  • client_user_agent: User agent from the request User-Agent header.
  • date: Date and time of the request (This is the time when the request is received, not the date when the response is sent).
  • error_detail: In case of unhandled exception during the request, the error_detail field is automatically set to the exception traceback.
  • execution_time: Execution time in seconds between the time when the request is received and the time when the response is sent.
  • id: Generated for each request. Always added as X-Request-ID response header. If forward_request_id=True (The default) is passed on middleware creation, use the value from the X-Request-ID request header if any instead of generating a new value.
  • level: Log event level. info if status_code < 400, else warning if status_code < 500 else error. Set to critical in case of unhandled exception.
  • method: Request HTTP method.
  • path: Request path.
  • server_id: Server ID, generated by the logging backend.
  • status_code: The response status code.
  • type: Log event type, always access.
Request timeout

This middleware include a request timeout.

This timeout is important to ensure the log event is always properly emitted in the case there is a load balancer or reverse proxy before the server. If the client reach its timeout before the server Starlette fully cancel the request and don't let the middleware emit a log event.

Also, it is always a good practice to have a timeout on a web server.

If the timeout is reached, a 504 Gateway Timeout response is returned by the application.

The default value for the timeout is 50s (To be just before the default 60s values of most load balancer and reverse proxies). It is possible to define or disable the timeout on middleware creation using the request_timeout parameter.

Modifying access log event fields from routes

It is possible to modify the log event from anywhere inside the route code using the jhalog.LogEvent object:

import fastapi
import jhalog
import starlette_jhalog

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

def read_root():

    # Getting the access log event from context and using it
    event = jhalog.LogEvent.from_context()
    event["my_custom_field"] = "hello world"

    # Or use the shortcut function from this library
    event = starlette_jhalog.get_logger()

    # Directly set some fields to the access log event:
        my_custom_field="hello world", my_other_field="other"

    # Directly get a value from the access log event
    request_id = jhalog.LogEvent.get_from_context("id")

    return {"Hello": "World"}

This library also provides a starlette.sexceptions.HTTPException subclass to set the error_detail field directly when raising exceptions:

import fastapi
from starlette.status import HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
from starlette_jhalog import HTTPException

import my_app

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

def authenticate(user: str, password: str):

    if not my_app.is_password_valid(user, password):
        # Return a "401 Unautorized" response to the client without detail
        # (This is a common security practice)
        # But, store the error reason in the "error_detail" access log event field. 
        raise HTTPException(
            error_detail=f"Invalid password for user: {user}"

    return {"Hello": "World"}
Error handling and status code

In case of unhandled exception during the request, this middleware use the Jhalog-Python handler to determinate the best HTTP code to return.

For instance, timeout errors (Including the request timeout from this middleware) will automatically return 504 Gateway Timeout.

Depending on the currently used backend, the handler may detect some other cases and returns errors like 503 Unavailable or 429 Too Many Requests (See the backend details in Jhalog-Python documentation for more information).

Any other case will return 500 Internal Server Error as normal.

In any case the error_detail field is automatically set to the exception traceback, and the level field set to critical.

Startup log event

Generated on server startup (Once the Starlette/FastAPI application is fully initialized, including startup event handlers), with the following fields:

  • date: Date and time of the event.
  • level: Log event level, always info.
  • os_uptime: Time between the host OS start and the process creation.
  • server_id: Server ID, generated by the logging backend.
  • server_uptime: Time between the server process creation and the end of the Starlette/FastAPI application initialization.
  • server_version: Value passed using the server_version parameter on middleware creation.
  • type: Log event type, always startup.

Shutdown log event

Generated on server shutdown (Once the Starlette/FastAPI application is fully terminated, including shutdown event handlers), with the following fields:

  • date: Date and time of the event.
  • level: Log event level, always info.
  • server_id: Server ID, generated by the logging backend.
  • server_uptime: Time between the server process creation and the end of the Starlette/FastAPI application termination.
  • type: Log event type, always shutdown.


JSON HTTP Access Log - Starlette/FastAPI Middleware







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