URL Regex Match Counter is a script designed to count occurrences of various regular expressions within the content of provided URLs. It is available in both Python and Go versions.
- Python 3.x
- Required Python packages:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Acorzo1983/codehunter.git cd codehunter
Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the codehunter.py
script with the following arguments:
python3 codehunter.py -f <file_with_URLs> -r <file_with_regex> -v -o <output_file>
-f/--file: File containing URLs to scan.
-r/--regex: File containing regular expressions to match.
-o/--output: Output file to store the results.
-v/--verbose: Optional flag for verbose output (displays URL results).
python3 codehunter.py -f urls.txt -r regex.txt -o results.txt
Prerequisites Go installed on your machine.
How to Use
- Compile the Go code:
go build codehunter.go
- Run the compiled executable with the necessary arguments:
./codehunter -f <file_with_URLs> -r <file_with_regex> -v -o <output_file>
Simultaneously scans multiple URLs for various regex patterns. Provides the count of matches per URL for each regex.
Extract URLS from a websites
sudo chmod +x urlextractor.py
python3 urlextractor.py -u https://domain.com -d -v -o domainresult.txt
-u, --url <url> URL to extract links from (required)
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-o, --output <filename> Output file name (default: output.txt)
-d, --deep Perform deep crawl
Example usage:
python3 urlextractor.py -u https://domain.com -d -v -o output_file.txt
codehunter.py: Main Python script.
codehunter.go: Go version of the script.
README.md: Instructions and information about the script.
requirements.txt: Contains necessary Python packages.
urlextractor.py complimentary Python script to extract urls
Contribution Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.