YAP and YDAWG data analytics case study preparation - R workshop. An introductory / intermediate session on data frames, visualisation and machine learning.
Follow the pre-work guide for instructions on installing R on Windows or MacOS
Alternatively, to run the code in your browser, click the 'Launch Binder' link below.
There may be a long loading time of up to an hour.
Originally this course suggested a free introductory course as a pre-requisite, but that course became non-free.
Alternatives include introductions by Monash University or Microsoft.
Click the green "Clone or Download" button and download ZIP to save to your computer.
Presentation: https://actuaries.logicaldoc.cloud/download-ticket?ticketId=db8440d1-06b5-476a-b0f5-d07aa87f38e3 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SvfEdp8_1c&feature=youtu.be
With contributions from:
- Jonathan Shen
- Tim Lam
- Josh Jaroudy
- Cindy Vuong
- Arjun Sathasivam
- Heloísa Bete
- Michelle Ng
- Jacky Poon