This is the code upload for the simulations from the paper Improved Structured Encryption for SQL Databases via Hybrid Indexing. The full paper can be found at and a preliminary version of the paper was published at ACNS 2021.
You can run a test harness of the simulations through the following command: python3
The City of Chicago's tables should be placed in the folder with the path "chicago15". They originate from
The Sakila database's tables should be placed in the folder with the path "sakila-db/sakila-csv". They originate from
The test harness supports the following commands:
help - prints the commands
loadTables - loads in the Sakila and Chicago datasets
tableInfo - gets info on the loaded datasets
singleJoins - runs experiments on single attribute joins
getNonEmpty - creates pickle files with the non-empty single attribute joins. Needed to generate queries
genQueries - generates 200 random queries from the Sakila and Chicago datasets
runQueries - generates a summary from the 200 random queries
printSummary - prints a summary of the results from running 200 queries
q - quits the test harness
The code was written and last tested in python 3.8.6.