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  • This project was created using Unity 2021.3.15f2. You can install that by downloading the Unity Hub

  • Once installed, open the project and navigate to the "Main" scene in the Scenes folder

  • Press play! By default, this project will hit a remote server with the hosted server code. To host and use that code:

    • Download the code from the repository
    • cd to the root folder of the server code in the terminal/command prompt
    • use npm run dev to start the server


    This is a Minesweeper inspired game that uses a node.js / express.js server to perform all of the game logic.

    It's important to note that this is a client that doesn't perform any game logic. All game logic is performed on the server and passed back to the client to present. The general flow is as follows:

    • Call upon the server to check if it's available
    • If not, show a "No Connection" panel with a "Retry" button
    • If so, show a "Play" button
    • When the "Play" button is clicked, the client will send a "start" web request with the width, height, and mine count
    • Each time the user presses a new square, they will send a "select" web request with the X and Y position
    • After the web request is sent, the user will receive a callback with the new squares to reveal, as well as their state (0-8)
    • If during selection the game is won or lost, the server will respond with a 202 or 203 respectively - and the client will respond accordingly
    • Pressing the smiley face button at the top will reset the client


    This client follows a fairly straight-forward MVC/MVP architecture, where there are models for what the server passes back in its response.

    The main classes to know about are:

    • Core - The entry-point for this application (from a MonoBehaviour lifecycle standpoint)
    • GameBoardModel - A model that mirrors the "select" route's response and contains all squares to reveal, as well as all mine positions on the baord
    • GameBoardController - A logic-only class that passes model updates to the view
    • GameBoardView - A MonoBehaviour that listens to the GameBoardController and performs visual updates to the board, as well as listens to user input
    • MinesweeperAPI - The class that allows the app to interface with the server via web requests


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