Compare different implementations of GraphQL on the server side. A bit like TodoMVC, but with a different example, showing features of GraphQL and how to implement them in various languages and frameworks.
In the examples
folder of this repository, named by convention language_framework_library
(examples: rails
, ts_apollo
A minimalist post system, à la Facebook, with users, posts, comments and a possibility to like the posts.
A post
- belongs to a user
- has many likes
- may belong to a parent post, if its a comment
A like
- belongs to a post
- belongs to a user
A user
- has many posts
- has many likes
See mutations.
Use batch loading when available to the language and framework of choice.
An implementation agnostic test suite, in JavaScript, is in tests
See tests/
At this moment, generating them using the PlantUML plugin of VSCode, calling the PlantUML: Export Workspace Diagrams command, and choosing svg.
This workspace is set up for Visual Studio Code and includes a devcontainer.
Upon opening it up in Visual Studio Code, click Open in container in the bottom-right popup that appears. The required services (eg: PostgreSQL) and the development environment itself will build (only once) and then you're all set to work on this project, without installing anything else than Docker and Visual Studio Code on your computer.
It is absolutely possible to use the devcontainer without using Visual Studio Code. Execute the following command from the root of the workspace, and
docker compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml up
# in another terminal tab/window
- Connections/Nodes/Edges
- Arrays can be paginated
- Relay-Style Object Identification
- Objects export their GID
- Objects are obtainable from their GID